Apartment 102 (a shortage of units and a surplus of renters)

Hi okay this actually just two poems that I thought were similar enough to put on the same page. I hope you enjoy my little apartment based ramblings.


Hanging up pink sweaters in my closet,
You are two weeks too close to my heart.

We can both hear the water dripping from my leaky faucet,
I just don't know where to start.

Every time I try to talk to you my brain seems to shut down,
I know you wouldn't believe me but I was never really that smart.

The one place I kept from everyone you seem to have found,
Now I can't imagine a time where I would have to depart.

I can hear the faucet get louder, tears form at the overwhelming sound,
I know that isn't really the reason, but it is what I tell you when you ask.

There isn't anyone else around,
and getting me to answer anything about my emotions is quite the task.

Slowly I feel like I have drowned,
you ask again and I shut down,
I am sorry that our important conversations never last,
I just don't know how to talk about these things and time between us goes by far too fast.


Apartment 102 will never let you live the life you wanted,
it will be the place I die in,
and eventually if I am lucky I will haunt it.
Apartment 102 has a lot of problems,
102 has a leaky faucet,
it is held up by only one column,
and there is nothing pretty on the street across from it.

Apartment 102 is the place my heart hides in,
102 is my refuge,
the building has residents I can confide in,
and you can only come in if I let you.

I let you in at 8pm and you left by morning,
a stupid fight we got into,
you left after giving me plenty of warnings,
I was acting stupid but you knew that didn't you?

You asked me a bit too early what I thought the future would look like,
but I am a preacher of the temporaries,
you know I don't mean to start fights.
I fear that I am someone who will never marry,
but I made a lot of stupid promises that night.

Apartment 102 is my home,
I will never leave.
103 are my friends,
friends I never see.
You, my love, live a city over,
your mind is one god permitted me to meet.
I wish you lived closer,
I wish I didn't feel so incomplete.
Free Gray 1 Cursors at www.totallyfreecursors.com

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katherine ˖ ࣪⭑

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THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!! ️ :D :D

by finnfuckingtastic; ; Report