the ego, reality itself, & anxiety

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reality itself is formed from the ego, everyone experiences reality in their

own unique way based on what their ego chooses to accept / deny

in their own reality

our consciousness and thought patterns are all built up and formed through

the ego picking and choosing what labels to associate with, what

beliefs to conform to, and what traits to define ourselves by

when people are closed off and not open to new ideas, their mind will

attempt to protect its own beliefs by of course getting defensive and

creating a barrier between both parties

the ego is similar to anxiety in the way that both speak to you telling you the so

called "truth" as if it knows what is true/false

the ego is what is behind you deciding what is cool / cringe, for example

the ego would be what is telling you what music to listen to and what music

to hate

now the issue arises that whenever someone with anxiety tries to work out

of whatever belief that is being portrayed in their mind their anxiety

has the ability to spit out "what if's" and "how do i know 100%" statements

to completely disregard whatever evidence is being provided

the ego works in the exact same way

trying to talk someone out of their own beliefs is like trying to talk someone

out of their own reality, the ego loves to latch onto the hypnotic control

it has over your mind and who you think you are

its insulting towards the ego to have someone come and disregard your reality

and tell you that their reality is the truth and that yours is not

the ego does not want to be wrong, it wants to be secure and stable within

your stream of consciousness so when its own structure of reality

is questioned it starts to refute whatever its being told and go

into defense mode

the ego spends a lot of time and effort confirming itself and remain content

in the reality it builds for itself, so when something attempts to talk

it out of its own beliefs it gets insecure and the true fragile nature of its

existence is shown off in its entirety

when people are stuck with their own negative beliefs, especially far extremist

beliefs its difficult for them to just give up all of the work and time their

ego put into developing the foundation for that belief to fester into their identity

the ego is fragile, any attempt to externally manipulate it to form a new

reality will result in some pushback from the ego

every time you learn something new you create an entirely new reality for

yourself, because each new piece to the puzzle can show you the next steps

but sometimes the piece looks like it fits but it does not, that is why choosing

for yourself to be open to removing the puzzle piece and placing a new one is so



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credit for sharing this initial idea with me goes to asanya

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