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Category: Automotive

Spotting out touges

I hail from an extremely boring and quiet part of the US in which a lot of stuff doesnt happen. I for the most part can't really do much due to there being literally nothing to do downtown or in the surrounding area. As a result me and my friend have resorted to going to secluded and interesting areas and just driving around. Anyways I've always have had a love for touges (mountain roads) ever since I started watched old videos of japanese dude in the 90s going ham on them. But unfortunately due to my location there isn't a road nowhere near close to being like a touge, at least that's what I thought. You see I love to research nearby touges when I'm procrastinating, and I was looking at a nearby road that my friend drove on whilst I rode shotgun in his 01 prelude, and I saw that there was a sort of winding road nearby. Now at first I assumed it was a dirt road that was unpaved but I was dead wrong, turns out it is paved. Whilst the health of the road doesn't seem all that great apparently it was repaved around maybe 8-10 years ago and most people don't really go on there. I do have to check it out and spot it out first and see what condition the roads are in plus I have to see just how many people use that road in general, which I doubt is few but gotta make sure.

(not my photo btw if it was I would have taken it at a better angle)

I'm most likely gonna spot it out with my friend sometime in the next few weeks when I get some free time. I might make a blog post about it if the road really impresses me.

2 Kudos


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Xyvraaq's profile picture

ohh it seems a cool winding road, however I understand you, I also live in an area where you do not even see the shadow of a mountain, but there is still a way to have fun with very few winding curves of hill roads, or in some squares or some local track, I know the tracks may seem boring but trust me if u are with ur friends u can have a lot of fun in some good tracks

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