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Category: Blogging

LETS CATCH UP!! Hiya Everyone!!


SO ehhh..... how are you all doing? :D personally im doing hermmm REALTIVELY OKAY!

i just wanted to post on here because it felt so wrong not saying anything on here for such a while!! JEEZ- anyways, not much has happened in my life, but still I'd like to do a little catchup cus why not! it always puts me in a really good mood whenever i blog on here :P

 Anyways, first thing I did was that I visited my gramps up in the city for a weekend during easter (we dont celebrate it really but since its a vacation weekend we were able to go and visit :D)

heres the thing, once i move for University, I'm gonna be living with him! My room is already painted (but, its a color I picked when i was 17... yea, thats how long ive been planning this AGHSAJ, so i kinda wanna see if i can switch it out to a light orange :3), and for the most part ready to be moved into! Its not a really big room. in fact its kinda got a weird build (80s architecture HAHA) but im excited to go and live there!! I really  wanna save up money so i can buy myself a new desk, chair and hopefully one day my own PC! not like. a gamer pc. like just a regular pc because my lil laptop can only handle so much HAHA

The thing I like most about my new room is that I get a really big window where I get to see out to the street!! Its not like, the nicest part of town, but I dont really mind- I just like being able to look out and see the sky in my room :D I just cant wait to get a chance to organize my room layout once I move! OH and also, i finally get to have an air conditioning unit , SO NO MORE DYING DURING THE BLISTERING SUMMER HEAT FOR ME!!

On that same trip we also went to the mall! We were gonna watch the mario bros movie but weren't able to, not enough time + seats fill up super quick :"P but its okay! ill just...... pirate it once the english dub is available online HEHE- but the mall was so much fun!! I got a starbucks drink and new sailor moon themed shoes!! the mall was also very pretty, it got renovated since the last time i went, so it was cool to see the new part! no cute boys though...... tough.....

I also watched oceans 11 with my mom and my sister!! it was SOO GOOD, literally so much fun- and since its just me and my sister again we watched oceans 12 and 13 too!! 12 was okay, but 13 was tons of fun :P its a lot of fun watching stuff with her cus we just say the stupidest shit and laugh out asses off HAHA (we would NOT stop saying "yes. it was me. I was the Oceans 12 All ALong." by the end....)

Kinda reminds me of when we watched "shes the man"... such a stupid movie but so much like. FUN LMAO , we laughed at the acting and the story beats- everything was so cartoony HAHA

HMM WHAT ELSE. WELL i went to my friends party on saturday- it was okay! We werent allowed to drink anything, so it was really lax, and a lot of the people there weren't people I knew, so i guess i wouldn't say it was the time of my life but it was okay :D at least i got out! and some of my friends i already know were also there, so yknow thats fun! we talked about maybe making a really trashy party, but who knows if thatll fall through :P

other than that im so close to getting into Uni in summer!! I cant wait to wrap up the process- not just cus all the waiting makes me anxious as hell AGSAHJGSA, but because yknow, i just wanna see what its all about! its funny, i feel like a part of my brain is telling me "u should be like. really anxious. why arent u anxious" and honestly idky! but its okay im EXCITEDD :D i just wanna meet new people!

anyways like i mentioned im back to just being me and my sister again! she handles her school stuff and everything on her own but i still cook the meals :P

 in other news, im kinda low motivation recently, and i have no idea why TwT ..... i guess im struggling a little to motivate myself to draw, so i guess im just in a low dip, but thats okay! im hoping itll go over soon- maybe i just gotta watch something thatll make me happy, or i dunno, I just really wanna draw and work!! GRAHHH!

well, anyways. ither than that i made myself a sandwich today :P PREEEETYT GOOD IF I SAY SO MEESELF. and im cooking beef for dinner tonite so yeyeyayeyYAY. single mom mode....

anyways thats really all!! sucks i dont have much else to talk about, but its okay- Im hoping things lighten up for me soon and i can feel a lil better :D just being on spacehey and doing this stuff makes me feel brighter! maybe ive jsut been staring at my drawings for too long yknow? i just need my energy back!!



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🎃 LIQUID 🎃's profile picture

orange is such a good color, i wish american homes were more colorful

oceans was a fun series, i watched them with my dad many years ago and the heists just kept getting crazier and crazier LMAO

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YEAAA RIGHT?? its probably my fav part of the series, you just dont know WHERE the plans are gonna take you next- and then by the time the end rolls around you get surprised with more n more details and steps you didnt get to see before!! LIKE WHAT its just so crazy GHAJSGAHHJAS

by churro ☆彡; ; Report