PC World was a shop where you could buy CD Roms and computers. You could even
buy special chairs to sit on when you did your computing. You could buy
keyboards and joy sticks and mouses (mice?). Basically, anything to do with a
The two bits of PC world that made it great were: when you could go on the computers & just goof around (mostly write stories on the Microsoft Word package or play solitaire) or the other computers they had set up around the back of the store which had pre-loaded games on. You could play the games. I remember playing a racing game on one of them.
And you could buy CD Roms which had got games on them. Those games would take forever to play as a kid. It was good to look through them then spend pocket money on them or ask for one of them & maybe be given one.
Ultimately, it changed because the internet came about. CD Roms were less exciting in the modern world of internet everywhere & broadband. And people (adults) couldn’t be trusted with an unlocked computer if that unlocked computer had access to the net. So they started locking up the computers. Suddenly it was boring to just browse because what you were browsing was row on row of locked computers. The equivalent to a book shop that doesn’t let you look beyond the covers.
When they merged with Curries, they were no longer the store they had been. Their heyday had been the 90s.
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