Project 50 - A Challenge of Self-Improvement

I'm not an athletic person and I never have been. I can't run. Walking up stairs exhausts me. I'm genuinely scared of the treadmill.

And yet, when several improvement videos talking about "Project 50" popped up on TikTok, I was struck with a sort of inspiration. It was a challenge, something that would get both my brain and my body working - something that would really kick me out of autopilot and into actually thinking about the way I was spending my time, how I was fuelling my body, and what kinds of things my money was going towards.

There are seven rules:

  • Wake up before 8am - for me, I've set a personal goal to wake up at 7:30, with the additional goal to wake up 15 minutes earlier each week during the 50 days of the project.
  • Do your morning routine for 1hr with no distractions - this one's pretty self explanatory, and I've developed both morning and night routines that fit me.
  • Exercise for 1hr a day - as I've stated, I'm not athletic at all. I like to walk, but that's about it. But I'll be putting in time on the crosstrainer, as well as doing yoga and going to the gym. I'll still be taking walks to give myself "rest" days.
  • Read 10 pages a day - I already read in both my morning and night routines, so this should be checked off every day anyway.
  • Dedicate 1hr a day to a new skill - I've adjusted this one a little, and instead of a completely new skill I'm going to make sure I spend an hour working on my writing (instead of just staring at the page and considering that work). I'll also be putting in five minutes a day on Duolingo.
  • Follow a healthy diet and drink mostly water - now this will be a hard one for me. But it's going to make me think hard about the types of food I'm putting in my body. I'm not dieting or restricting food by any means, but I'm certainly going to try to pick a healthier option over something that's "easy". I'll be bringing my own lunch to work rather than buying food at work. I've also set my own personal goal to drink only one fizzy drink per day, hopefully slowly cutting them out completely over the course of the 50 days.
  • Track your daily progress in a journal - I suppose this is kind of what this is, although I will be journalling privately every evening.
I know for a fact that this is going to be fucking hard. I'm going to struggle. I'm going to lose motivation, especially when my period comes and I'm in pain and I don't want to get out of bed. I'm going to be tired after working late nights and the last thing I'll want to do the next morning is get up at 6/7am and go to the gym or do a workout.

But it's not about that.

It's not about whether I'm motivated or not. It's about whether I want to improve myself, whether I want to feel a difference in me and the way I think. I don't want to go through life on autopilot anymore. Things being "easy" is so, so difficult.

It's hard to feel like I have no time because I'm waking up late. It's hard to feel like I have no upper body strength. It's hard to spend money on fast food and still feel hungry later.

I'm done with all of it.

I know what I want and I'm going to get it - and if I struggle? I just learned something about myself. If don't like some of it? I learned something about myself. If I keep going until the very end? I learned something about myself.

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