HI!!!! I jus saw the SMB movie so I'm writing this while it's still fresh in my memory!!

I'm not a movie critic and I definitely don't know anything about movies but this one

was so FUN!!! I just rly wana show appritation for it :-))


OKOKOKOKOK my favorite part of the movie were the characters. Most of the 

characters were super well voiced, favorites being: Peach, Luigi, Bowser, and DK :-D

Some interactions can be super rushed but aggGGGggggGg i cannot find it in me to hate how these

characters interact. Mario nd Luigi interactions r so sweet n nice and remind me ALOT of me

and my own brother which made me rly happy. DK and Mario's interactions as well wer rlyrlyrly

fun 2 watch RAAG!!!! I AM VRY CRAZY ABT DK :-D DK and all the kongz wer so fun n kool 

DK is one of my favorite characters in this movie, i rly rly rly enjoy asshole / silly characterz

so DK made me wiggle and i wus very happy... Peach is anothr one that made me go

:-DDDD peach is litrly the sweetest 4ever also I LUV HER!!!!!!! My favorite scene was SPOILERZ  when

the wedding was happening and she pulled out that ice flower IT WU SO KOOL!!!!

Peach and Toad's littl relationship thing was AWESOM!! best friends 4evr... 

BOWSER WUS CUTE!!! Bowser iz always awesom but here he

wus jus kinda silly i think.... His song wus rly funn y i think but also silly n

ragaGgGG I duno everyone is rly fun, i wish Luigi showd up more!!! I wuld have killed

for more character moments. :-)

TWOST!!!!: STORY :-D!!!!

Ive seen alot of stuff how this movie doesnt have a story but it does!! Its not

like the most put together thing ever but I can def say it was never boring and it 

never dragged. I was able 2 pay attention the whole time and i duno its just a rly 

nice adventure and time.  I think my faviorite part of the story was the end part

BUT the sections in the kong kingdom wer AWESOME!!! the training session was super

kool also the segmentz in the beginging were rly kool too :-DD


THE ANIMATION WUS INSANELY PRETTY!!!!!!! def wusnt anything like

Puss in boots tlw or Bad guys but man it wus rly nice 2 look at,,

the world wus so vibrant!!!! not much 2 say here cuz it wus vry simple

illumination anination...


While this movie is supr fun n I WILL be watchng it again wen it comes 

out on streaminf services or DVD .... it has som issues here n there....

First off the pacing kinda suckd.... The movie went supr supr fast!!!

I wish there was more down time in the movie and it wusnt constnatly moving

but for a Mario movie i think its alright,,,, Second i wish the liceneced music in it

was NOT there i rly dislike licnenced music in movies alot of the time unless its used well

(this goes 4 all medias actually... a gud example of licneced music being used well in a media

is little big planet :-) ) I wish the kong kingdom was not introduced with Take on Me.....

Thats rly it!!! 


I think this movie is a solid 8/10!!!! I vry much reccomend it if u like mario

and r looking 4 a fun movie. Its in the same relm as the sonic movies to me,

so fun n nice!!! I canot say much negitive stuff abt it, i luved it alot. Im glad I went 

into this with a super open mind, i had so much fun. 

(kind of insane abt these two, litrly me n my brother..... :-D)

Alright thats all, gudbye !!!!

5 Kudos


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Starz's profile picture

I agree, personally the music didn’t actually bother me az much az it probably would but could definitely do w/o it :p

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