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Category: Life

i'll be 21

it's been a year since i made my last post when my 20th birthday was coming up and i gotta say,

i don't remember why i was so scared of a number

i was so terrified to be considered a real adult. when you turn 18, everyone recognizes you're still a teenager and its almost just a formality, but 20 just seemed so monumental. i learned a lot of the course of this year, however. i learned that, for one, i'm still a kid, most people who are older than me still go "awe such a baby" even if thier only a year or two older and i think that it's because once you reach the 20 year milestone, each year you grow up so much without you even realizing it.

i wish i could tell myself this time last year that it will be okay, don't be scared to be an adult because you still have time to grow into that role. listen to Vienna by Billie Joel on repeat, you'll cry because it's good to hear someone tell you to slow down and you're doing fine. 

so much will happen in my life and im so excited to accept it with open arms

i hope everyone who's in their 20s, coming up or well past, that you remember to breathe and keep in the back of your mind that life really is beautiful

8 Kudos


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(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)👌

by zoomie; ; Report

supa mario

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Sounds good! kudos

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