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Rant about Toby Fox? I think? I don't know I went off the deep end with this post.

Toby fox fans will go on a rant for hours on end about a singular characters affinity for snails and I will sit there and listen for the entire rant. They will take lines that mean literally nothing and create entire characters and lore about it and I sometimes cannot tell when it is and isn't Ironic. They will have dreams and visions come to them about future events and everyone just goes on board with it like its a completely normal thing to do. These are why I am a fan of his work. I love not only the source material but also the crazy lunatics surrounding it. I swear everyone in the fandom is VIOLENTLY AUTISTIC and I love it. I want more of the sheer insanity that they are spewing out at all times. Speaking more on that source material, I love it because its not only deep and interesting but also because its extremely funny and relatable. Spamton is literally just me like; Autism Depression  Lunatic  Life went to shit at one point  The only thing he doesn't share is that I mostly recovered from my life falling into an abyss from the age of 3. I know this rant may seem a bit scatter brained and crazy and not well organized at all but that's how my brain works so you just gotta deal with it if you want to find the gold. Also if you don't like me doing things like this on my blog then sucks to suck because if you subscribe to one of my oddities you subscribe to the rest. So if you enjoyed this, good, nice, fantastic. If you didn't, ok then, I don't care. Thank you for reading this and Have a good Day. or else.

3 Kudos


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