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Category: Life

Journal Entry #33: 04/11/23


Okay, I forgot to mention something last entry. I picked up some mac n cheese fish-shaped ravioli last week and cooked them on Sunday. I gotta say that whoever came up with these was kinda clever. They knew what they were doing. It was so cool to see the "fish" swim around, even if they were technically being boiled lol. It's been a while since I've gotten excited over shaped things, but yeah, shaped things are cute, it was nice to feel like I was five again for a moment.

As for senior skip day, I had about four people ask me why I was at school. I just told them that I had nothing better to do. I enjoyed wearing my silk pjs this morning, they were super soft and super cute. I also washed my sheets today; I used to clean my room every month, but my habit's been falling off. The door to the laundry room got stuck and I had to get my dad to move the washing machine while the door was slightly ajar to open it back up. 

Also, today was a pretty day. So was yesterday. Maybe, if I had felt like it, I would've skipped just to enjoy the outdoors. I'm probably going to ask my fellow seniors what they did during senior skip day. I made a clay version of S'more (my sona) yesterday, but the teacher didn't have any good plastic bags, so when I see it tomorrow it will likely be solid. Maybe I'll try to make it again.

Oh, and I got a 5 on my AP Lit mock! God, my belief sure was suspended lol It's been a while since I've had trouble processing a huge success! Though I will say that some of the MCQs were familiar, I didn't really remember the answers, so I guess I'm good. I need to not slack though, it's easy to get airheaded now and then fail the exam later.

Tomorrow, there Art Club will have another meeting, this time to collect and photograph works for the gallery. If I weren't so sleepy, I'd say that I'm excited. I hope to see everyone there, and hopefully, the gallery gets done on time. I also need to ask my Stats teacher if she received the letter of recommendation link. 

You see, like most people, I can be a victim of my own self-hatred. I ended up working almost all day today because I did my work in little spurts instead of doing it in one sitting (which I am perfectly capable of doing). I sometimes just feel so absent-minded. 

Anyway, I have a feeling that my sister can hear me typing right now at 9:30pm, so I'll be quiet.

Boa noite,

AstraGenesis ┈━═


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