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Category: Life

Who do you want to be?

Who do you want to be?  What do you want to be?  What do you plan on doing with your life?

Honestly I'm a bit confused and I'm not decided on who I want to be but I do have a plan.

I picture myself going to a good high school this year and study chemistry and biology along with mathematics. I'm not sure about the US but here in Poland we have these brackets of directions we wanna go such as:

-biology and chemistry(+mathematics or english(depends on the school))

-mathematics and physics/geography, computer

-(language) polish, english and spanish/german

-(academic, lawyer) polish, history and knowledge of society

-(arichitecture) art, mathematics and geography

And some more.

Now I am definetly going with biology and chemistry. I really like chemistry and math. Not so much biology but I manage. I'd go for the math, computer & physics one if I wasn't shit at programming and shit. I wanted to go with architecture BUT I'm terrible at geography. I'm the best with languages BUT there isn't a lot of good paying jobs that follow after that. I'd not even try with the academic one because I'm shit at history and KOS so...

After high school I want to take a year off of studies and either go make money on picking strawberries or go off to Africa and volounteer to teach children english or math. I'm not sure if I could do the second one but it's a thought that has never left my mind.

Wait a second I lost my vape...

Nvm it was under my pillow.

After that break I want to go to college. Now this is the part I struggle with. I don't know where I want to head. Should I go for medicine or for the pharmaceuntics. Now I want to either become a midwife(preferably a private one, but that's probably later on when I get some experience) or become a pharmacist(or make a company on medical c4nn4bis). I heard both gave really good money but I can't decide. I guess it's a decision for future me. My mum says I should become a pharmacist in the US as they get really good pays. I came up with the idea of a midwife. I would hate to be a regular nurse, cleaning old people's 4sses and shqt. I'd rather be a midwife or a doctor that deals with all the pregnancy stuff. It seems like a fit job. I know it's not a great or healthy job but it seems fit. I'm still not sure tho. 

Thanks for reading my rant!!! It'd be nice if you'd comment on what you're planning to do someday or if you have some tips or answers for my undecided brain. I know I should follow my heart but it's split into two- what would make my mom happy and what would make me happy. Bye!!

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