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Category: Life


school work is soooo stupid and boring 

i have an assignment in biology and it’s super fucking long and overwhelming 

i’m not even gonna do it bc i was supposed to have today off but my teacher decided to change that last minute :(( it’s pretty upsetting to me 

i am probably overreacting but idk 

good thing is i have therapy and my med management appointment today 

i’m gonna talk 2 my med management about going off of certain meds bc i’m pretty sure they aren’t helping me

the only thing helping is my adderall but that’s to be expected when you have ADHD

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Lois ♱

Lois ♱'s profile picture

Maybe try doing some of ur assignment in parts, starting first with what's easiest for you and then moving on towards what's harder later on. You dont have to do all of it at once, try not to overwhelm yourself with a mass amount of work... instead do some at a time. After all even if you get points taken off for it being late, itll probably be better than a 0.. Wish you luck!

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Aw thanks so much!! <3

by Gh0st; ; Report