Well here I am, SpaceHey and all the cookies it can eat! WB, 100 years and me.

My original plan for this was gonna be a massive, massive snarky post about this site. But then I decided to instead repost a thing I originally posted on Tumblr.

April 4th, 2023, a hundred years ago saw the rise of a giant. Four brothers, after years of owning nickelodeons and funeral homes, trading their father's horse to buy a movie theater at the beginning of the silent era, and it all paid off. And while the studio has had highs, lows, amazing hits and bad decisions (*cough*), they've stuck around with their fighting spirit and beloved characters. And they also helped me discover myself. There's an explanation for this. When I was a kid, I lived with my single mother most of the time as a joint custody thing originally until my father pushed seven year old me too far. And one of the first things I remember ever watching was an old tape my mom got at a thrift store involving a screwy rabbit outwitting threats bigger than he is in terms of danger. We ended up getting cable after I turned three, and again, the first thing I remember was my mom putting on Cartoon Network in 1999 and seeing the colorful world of Acme Acres for the first time. My first day of school had me be helped by someone with a backpack with these three dog things with red noses who lived in a water tower. And even at my lowest, being in and out of psych wards throughout my childhood, the characters were always sort of there. One ward having a tape that led me to discover Space Jam, or one having a Taz or Tiny Toons themed Genesis game on hand. So these characters became a source of comfort and safety, despite them trying to murder each other half the time. And that sort of comfort and safety feeling never really left, even as I'm close to turning 28. So thanks, Jack, Sam, Al and Harry Warner. And also thank you Friz, Chuck, Tex, Bob C, Bob M., Tom R, Sherri, Paul, John McCann and everyone else who has kept the legacy of Warner Animation alive, even in this time of constant layoffs and write offs. To which your biggest question is... or at least, I assume is.... which is my favorite character. Do I really love Yakko and Bugs as much as I seem to? Well, to tell you the truth, yes and no. Yakko is a favorite, but I'm more of a Daffy fan.

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