{ ✰ Matt / Mako ✰ }'s profile picture

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Category: Life

i just realixed something (ptsd mention)

i just realized that i might have otsd and it would explain like alot 

like how i have nightmares that sometimes reoccur but it's almost every night when i have them (including the issue/ anxiety / stress problem, )

and my major anxiety issues, social and not social,, bcuz like.. ik what causes my anxiety and makes me have panic attacks and all of that---and it's in my nightmares abd        ya know it's just

it's hard 2 explain bcuz it's like---on;y i know what i'm trying 2 say??

whatever i'm tired now


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zyozi's profile picture

as someone with ptsd, this is a serious condition and i suggest doing lots of research (or seeking help) before coming to this conclusion :) im sorry youre going through this !

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Yes, I know!! I am doing my research and trying to contact others and maybe even professionals that could help with the conclusion, thank you for your input!! :3 (also, It'z fine!!)

by { ✰ Matt / Mako ✰ }; ; Report