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Category: Life

Changes and Kindness

I've been talking to a lot of different people, of different life aspects. It's funny how, in my job, I touch so many people every day and even though I don't agree with all of their options, I still think I learn from every one of them.

Something I have become aware of recently is the perspective of elderly people. I feel bad for the older people who have been left behind or are being left behind by society. A lot of these people never had the opportunity to learn about technology in school, and no one taught them outside of school. I often take it upon myself to educate people on things when I can. I think if we were all a little bit kinder to each other, the world would glide by smoothly. 

I wonder what makes humans treat each other so badly. What things can we change in our lives to make it better? How can we all get on board with kindness to others? Is there something you did today that you would change? Maybe next time you can do it better. Does being kind to others start with kindness to ourselves? 

Things seem to change so quickly yet so slowly. As you get older it is harder to learn new things and change your habits. Some day we will all have that same problem. Empathy will make the good changes happen faster. If we can help others with a gentle hand, learn those changes, they will be less combative about it. There is a good side to everything, the adventure is finding out what it is and harnessing it.

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Well written. I also feel saddened by how older people get left behind as society advances. I would probably get grumpy too, or generally act negatively toward strangers. Not to mention dealing with health issues. I remember I contacted a relative who I wasn't close with to see how he was doing (he was elderly) and he didn't react well to my call whatsoever. It was something I took personally at first, but as time has gone on, I started to think about it differently.

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I think our generation has a slightly easier time being empathetic with the elderly because we know about the time before the internet. The younger generations cant even grasp that at all and since they dont know what it was like before they dont understand why there are people who cant figure out tech. Also, that generation is still young and in the age before their empathy is fully developed.

I think our generations problem is we are salty about our traumatic childhoods and the things we were promised as children not bring fulfilled when we grew up. So instead of wanting to help the older generations, we rebel against them. A lot of the people I help have kids who dont want to take the time to help their parents because they are too busy or whatever, which may be true, but I also think there is some defiance.

I am very interested in the statistics and how society is going to develop over the next 50+ years.

by Rainbowponystein; ; Report