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Category: Blogging

The MEGA mall

Some days ago, my brother and I stayed at our grandparents' house from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. So, what did we do all that time? After taking us for breakfast in a restaurant in the mountains to eat gorditas, a Mexican plate, they were going to take us to what seemed to be a bazaar according to their descriptions, but it turned out to be an ENORMOUS mall combined with a market. 

Half of the place was intended for selling things you would find in a mart; fruits and vegetables, nuts, baked deserts, etc., and the other half was a shopping site. You could find anything in that place, ANYTHING! There was even an '80-'90s arcade inside the mall, which I was extremely excited to go to, but we couldn't visit because we were kind of in a hurry to meet one of my uncles, who had recently opened a business for pet supplies inside the store.

When we got to my uncle's location, we all helped him prepare the shop's supplies. My brother and I filled bags with 1 kg of sunflower seeds, and although we did finish our task, some bags turned out to be 990 grams because one bag was laying over the scale, messing up the measurements, so we had to refill them again lol. Furthermore, my grandma and I covered kibble containers with their respective bags by cutting them like rectangles, then placing them over the container.

After our arduous unpaid work got finished, my grandma took my brother and me to a retail store she likes called...well, I actually don't remember. It was written in Chinese characters. But I do remember it started with the character , I believe. They were playing REALLY GOOD MUSIC there. I had to ask for the name of a song I liked, which turned out to be called Juicebox by The Strokes.

My brother bought one of those shrilling chickens and I bought a ceramic lucky cat, which now hangs from a taped pencil over my shelves (probably not the best idea, but I have nowhere else to hang it lol). I will upload a picture of the lucky cat because it's lovely, and it was pretty cheap too! Everything in the mall was cheap and had a variety of products, which is why I wish to visit again but now for solely shopping. I spotted multiple alternative stores throughout the mall, but I wouldn't dare to ask my grandma to take us there LMAO. I ALSO NEED TO GO TO THAT ARCADE.

Well, that was my weekend.

3 Kudos


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