Not really a vent, but about a decision I'm making lol

You guys ever get so fucking fed up of supressing how you really feel? Just to fit in with kids who are gonna put you down in life? Well, after seeing @Xbox360handheld openly expressing himself, I guess I'm gonna do it too. Gonna keep 3 old friends, and also find new ones, so if your Emo/Goth or a Metalhead, then we can be friends, I don't judge taste because I quite literally fuck with every sub genre, Doom metal, DSBM, you name it, I love it. Noisegrind? I'll find a way to groove to it. So what's the point of this message? Be who you are! No, seriously, Fuck everyone else and their social norms, stand out and be different! If it's not physically hurting anyone, be who you wanna be. And to the people getting bullied at school, just give them the bird and spit in their face lol.

So I hope you all found this at the very least inspiring, and I hope you all have an amazing day, and fullfill your dreams in life! Cheers!

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Voryn Dagoth

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