Alvin and the Chipmunks Theory

There are 6 chipmunks in the Alvin and the Chipmunks cinematic universe (ACCU for short.) 

Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Brittany, Jeanette, and Eleanor.

All 6 chipmunks are able to NOT ONLY talk, but they are gifted with the vocal range of the gods and goddesses.

With this information, why does everyone in the ACCU find it normal that there are only 6 of them?

I bite, I understand why there is an insane amount of hype for talking, singing, dancing chipmunks. Not a single person QUESTIONS this though??? 

Realistically, not ALL of them would be able to sing if there were only 6 talking chipmunks. All 6 of these chipmunks must've won the genetic lottery if they are the only talking chipmunks right? 

That's where I start to question.

If there are more talking chipmunks then why don't we hear more about them? Surely they'd be developing their own society right?

Maybe there is a secret plan behind all of this.

My theory is that this is all a secret plan for the chipmunk colony to take over the world. 

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are only phase 1 of this plan.

First, we introduce 3 singing chipmunks to break the ice. Cause the public to fall in love with the furry vocalists. After the public can't get enough of them, introduce 3 more, The Chipettes.

Next, after the humans are used to them they start planting more talking chipmunks. Chipmunk Oprah or Chipmunk Dr. Phil for example. Now, they've completely infiltrated the mainstream media. 

After taking over our media they start to take over our beliefs. Religion and politics, they make themselves important figures that we become familiar with. This is where the plan starts to take shape.

Mind you, they are not only doing this in the United States, no, the chipmunks are doing this in EVERY COUNTRY.

When the chipmunks take over religion and politics its all over. They've won.

THIS was their plan.

THIS was their plan ALL ALONG.

18 Kudos


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Parker 's profile picture

Good god.... Im watching every chipmunk closely now

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you better be watching them, bc they're watching you

by hensley✧; ; Report

☆plebby ☆

☆plebby ☆'s profile picture

ur insane

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by hensley✧; ; Report