☆~kaliya~☆'s profile picture

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Category: Blogging


Hi there! My name is Kaliya, and since I'm new here, I thought it would be appropriate to lay some ground rules for my blog! Please read carefully, and feel free to ask questions on anything you don't fully grasp or understand.


☆ I am 18 years old as of 2023. If you don't like adults interacting with you (which is completely normal btw! Setting boundaries- especially when you are young- is very good!!), then it's probably best to block me.

☆ even though I try my best to always be polite to everyone online (although I'm a lot more casual towards my friends/people I trust), I still have my limits. If you are going to be an arsehole, don't be suprised when I'm completely rude to you back. I will not tolerate any kind of disrespect, even if it is a "joke" (unless we are friends ofc, then you can be as jokingly mean as you want to lol). In short, be nice.

☆ I talk a lot about politics. I personally identify as a marxist-leninist feminist, and due to being from the global south, I don't really care much for the opinions of white westerners. If that makes you uncomfortable, then this probably isn't the blog for you.

☆ I struggle a lot with disassociation, mild delusions, and other trauma related issues. I'm not medicated nor diagnosed with anything,  so all I ask is for you to be patient with me. Also don't pathologise or armchair diagnose me, unless I know you. As far as I'm aware, I'm just #silly lol.

☆ I headcanon Kaeya as a trans woman (or a transfemme agender person, depending on au), and I will refer to her as such in most contexts. If this makes you uncomfortable (whether it's because you are an introject, or you strictly see kaeya as transmasc, etc etc) then it's probably best to block me. She is my hyperfixation currently, and my trans hc is a crucial part of my understanding of her.

☆ don't involve me into queer discourse, under any circumstance. I do not care whether someone uses the "wrong" pride flag, people are literally dying.

☆ I'm completely fine with comforting people in their time of need, however you should be aware that I'm a very blunt person with fluctuating low/below average amounts of empathy, so I apologise if I say something that is insensitive or harsh.


♡ anyone under the age of 14. I'm a lot more lenient here (the rest of my accounts are 16+), however I still prefer it if only people 15 and above would message me. I feel very uncomfortable with the thought of playing babysitter, or being someone's "big sister" figure. Please just accept the fact that I'm literally just Some Guy on the internet lol.

♡ my feelings on ship discourse is very complicated (im not a proshipper by any means, however i do dislike majority of antishipper spaces + rhetoric, and think that they can often do more harm than good), so all i request is that l0li/sh0tacons don't interact with me under any circumstance. Also, I prefer it if kae/luc fans didn't follow me either.

♡ even though I'm extremely critical of choice/liberal feminism,  i do not believe that biological sex is the root of misogyny, but rather class. This is not a safe space for terfs or imperial feminism.

♡ if you believe someone drawing a previously white/fair skinned character with darker skin, is the same as someone purposefully whitewashing a character and erasing their cultural roots. Please just grow up.

♡ I will not tolerate misogyny under any circumstance.  I do not care if you are a queer/otherwise marginalized man, you still hold the power to harm the women in your very own communities!

♡ ^ the same applies for racism btw. Just because you are marginalized, that doesn’t mean you aren't able to harm other marginalized groups-- especially marginalized people within your own damn communities!

♡ if you are going to be annoying. I'm completely fine with people asking questions (in good faith), or debating and discussing my view points in a CIVIL manner; however i will block anyone who i suspect is a troll, or just doesn't seem to understand their very own arguments. I will always try to be as polite and open minded as possible, and i expect you to do the same. Arguing with emotions would get us no where.

And that's it! If you don't understand something/need clarification, please don't be afraid to ask! Asking questions is the only way we learn after all!

☆~ kaliya ~☆

3 Kudos


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