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Category: School, College, University


Homeschooling is a journey I never saw my path going. We are two years in, after trying public school for 2 and a half. I can't say that it's easy. However, it's so rewarding. 

My child struggled so much in public school, she was placed on an IEP plan, removed from general ed and placed in special classes. These classes still did not help her. She HATED the expectation to come home and work on the same assignments she had already cried once over during regular school hours. Her behavior was terrible as a whole. 
On a whim with no prior research I decided to just teach her at home. Oh the fights the first few weeks. Trials and errors finding HER perfect fit that made her WANT to learn. This girl, who was far behind on math and reading is thriving now. I guilt myself for ever keeping her in a public setting for as long as I did. 
Public schools set this standard that isn't idealistic. Some kids need music. Some need hands on activities. Some need learning to be a game. Children aren't meant to sit for long periods of time. They are curious beings who need the freedom to explore. 
There is no one way when learning at home. One week we may watch documentaries and discuss key points. The next we may focus on a computer program. Other times there is no direct assignment, we just flow with the day, turning daily activities into a lesson that can be reported as class work. The key, is finding what keeps the child engaged. 
Outsiders may not understand the desire to keep my children home, but it will never influence my decision. I see the difference in my child, that is what matters most. At the end of the day, I know how far she has come, that makes it all worth it. 

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Lena Ralene

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Fellow homeschool mom here!

I dislike how public schools handle a lot of things. We’ve been homeschooling for six years now and the change I’ve noticed in my daughter is amazing. Like you said it was tough at first, and of course we still have tough days, but after we figured out what worked best for her things got so much easier.

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So glad to have found another homeschool momma! This year has been a bit more of a challenge, I'm now balancing a "3rd grader" & preschooler. 3rd grade in quotations because we don't really focus on a specific grade level, it's more of a bookmark for the years we have to report to the board of education per WV law. I have had family repetitively suggest I place at least my 4 year old in a public setting to see how she would function. I'm good over here though haha Aside from first hand knowing exactly where my kids are intellectually, teachers are being arrested left and right for abuse. I'd rather know my kids are safe than risk anything ever happening to them.

by Kass; ; Report

Exactly! I know schools here were having bus shortages and teacher shortages, as well. Which led to extremely long drop off/pick off lines. The entire homeschooling experience, for us, has been so much smoother than I ever imagined it would be. It was overwhelming at first but now that we are in our groove it's just a part of our daily routine.

by Lena Ralene; ; Report