cheesesandwich's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

before u interact look!!

i am extremly unfunny,and cringe.,, also i use tonetags alot so u should too because errm i wont know if youre srs or j atm [GARFIELD R U SRS OR J??] i make kys jokes to everyone but if u dont want that said to you lmk so i dont invade your bounderies, also speaking of bounderies tell me them so i make sure i dont make you uncomfortable in anyway cus that just sux,, erm i make nsfw jokes so if you dont like that tell me so i dont make them if im texting you,, or i can tag my posts so you dont have to see it. i game alot so if you have a game u wanna play i might have it.. you can vent to me if you need i jus dont know how to respond so if im dry sorry. uhh thats about it

proship comship racists ablists yk the dni criteria i will find n block ya

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