OMG It gets on my nerves. I know its my chore and everything but my family makes it such a problem. I can't stand it man. Today my older sis kept on waking me up telling me to do the dishes and I eventually git up and did. When I went in there and saw the sink, I thought about going on a strike. It seems dramatic and I know that. Someone had filled the sink up with water that was now gross and murky. Someone filled it up to the brim. I had to reach my fucking hand down there and unplug the drain. It was so gross. I hated it. You may think I'm over reacting, I probably though. They get one my nerves.
Family and dishes
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the visualization made me gag... yea I'm not a big fan of doing the dishes either ;_;
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It's so icky and when you touch something squishy that you didn't see *gagging noises* ew!
by Blinker Champion; ; Report