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Category: Life

promposal gone wrong gone violent

gonna format this like a reddit r/AITA post

C- person I'm promposing to as friends
N- C's ex girlfriend 
A- my beloved friend 
R- tl;dr my sworn enemy

BACKSTORY: A friend and I had encouraged C to break up with N months ago after we saw how N was treating them. They ended up breaking up, and I stopped talking to N afterwards because I didn't like how they behaved towards my dear good friend C. C and I discussed going to prom together as friends, since we both had no one to go with, and I made sure it was okay with them that I promposed. N and C still seemed to be friends, which I didn't like, but it wasn't my business so I didn't push it. 
Less important, but R had harrassed me and a friend for a while, calling us homophobic slurs and such. This only stopped once we got the school involved. N was aware, but continued to tease me about it and talk about me behind my back with R, refusing to defend me because she didn't want to take sides.

That brings us to this afternoon. 

I was in a time crunch to prompose. C had to go to work after lunch, so i had a short window of time to get this shit goin on. As soon as that lunch bell rang, I ran the a quarter of a mile to my parkin spot and then back in the school so i could grab the posters and get! it! done!!!

I was in a time crunch to prompose. C had to go to work after lunch, so i had a very short window of time to get this shit goin on. As soon as that lunch bell rang, I ran the a quarter of a mile to my parkin spot and then back in the school so i could grab the posters and get! it! done!!!

I enter the library, breathless and barely able to speak but very excited to! First thing i notice: C is there! yesssss... Second thing I notice, N, A, and R are there. Okay, no big deal, I can just. Do this quickly. N won't get upset, surely. Besides, A is there, so. At least I have backup if things go wrong, which they surely won't!

Promposal goes well, A took a video of it, the clever lil guy he is (I'd post it because I'm so darn proud of it, but it's also very personal so I must resist) and for a while after, things keep going well! C asks questions about the posters --"how did u make this part?" "omg you added that!!" "dude im speechless" etc-- and I'm answerin em all coy like "hehe.. idk just thought it would be sillay :3" and. yknow. bonding! whatever, tldr things are going well! everyone else is happy too! C and I crouch on the ground to pick up the notecards I dropped as part of the bit, and thats when I hear it. 

"Wow, Fish, I'm so happy you did this in front of me."

It's N. Gonna be honest, i forgot she was there. oops! I thought she was joking at first. and then... she leaps out of her seat. and starts storming over to me. I don't know what to do. I realize she isn't slowing down, and then- SHOVE! 

Thankfully I was already crouched on the ground, so being toppled over wasn't the worst thing ever, but i did get carpet burned pretty bad on my knee boohoo :(

N keeps going after me (im about to curl up on the ground and let it happen because. something something cptsd something something my brain is shutting down) and R gets between us to break it up (i was expecting him to join her and also beat me up but woah! character development!) and he's trying to get her to calm down. the whole time she keeps screaming at me and C. people are staring. teachers are averting their gazes. I'm remaining as calm as i can because I don't want things to get any worse but at this point the situation is beyond my help. She yells at me to "go on, cry some more!" which was confusing because I was... not crying. nor was I about to cry. I looked, according to A, like I "didn't give a single shit". Anyways, not transcribing the whole argument, so just imagine her screaming at me and C for what felt like forever. 

C eventually leaves. N screams at me a bit longer before going after them. I stay in the library and talk to A.

Turns out, N followed C all the way to the opposite end of the school and almost out the door there. She kept screaming at them and grabbing at them. A teacher ends up having to step in, so C gets the hell outta there while they can. 

In the middle of the next class, I get called down to the dean's office because of the events in question. Despite what I thought, I was not in trouble, and it ended with me begging for N not to get in trouble over it.

I would have.. loved to talk about this the day it happened, but more days have passed and I am not much more upset than I expected to be by it. Maybe I'll update this with details, who knows. Right now I'm writing out an apology to N. I'll let you guys know if i live :P

3 Kudos


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finn ⁠✧ ⑨ IDIOT

finn ⁠✧ ⑨ IDIOT's profile picture

wtf thats horrible ?? i dont see why you would need to apologize to N though, they did like .. immediately physically attack you over a friend promposal which like. they shouldnt even care to that extent considering N and C are no longer together????? that is some weird behavior bro

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yeah i mean. its a very weird situation and logically I know I shouldn't be the one to apologize but even if i didn't have any bad intentions i still upset her and i feel shitty about it. like. we used to be friends and she's convinced i dropped her just because i wanted to date her partner. I'm sure things will figure themselves out at the end of the day but until then I'm gonna try and be the bigger person. but yes i agree very very weird behavior

by fishstick; ; Report