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Okay so to start off my mom is a complete psycho bitch. she has been nothing but abusive and manipulative to me and my sister since birth. i still love her though :( and last may my sister finally got away from her (lucky bitch) and went to live with my grandma and dad. now we're in the process of getting me out. we plan on doing it after Easter (April 9th), but i'm starting to have second thoughts. i feel like without me, my mom has no reason to live (i didn't add my sister as a reason because my mom doesn't give two shits about her unless it's about money), and I don't know what to do. It's been nothing but confusing and hurting me mentally. If anyone could help me think this through, please reply. thank you 

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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧

♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧'s profile picture

Hey, I know I am a month late, but I'm really sorry to hear about the difficult situation you're facing with your mom. It must be incredibly tough to deal with an abusive and manipulative parent, especially when it's someone you still have love for. I can understand how conflicting and confusing your emotions must be right now.

First of all, it's important to recognize that you are not responsible for your mom's actions or her well-being. It's not your duty to sacrifice your own happiness and well-being for someone who has been abusive towards you. Your own safety and mental health should be the top priority.

It's great to hear that your sister managed to get away from your mom and found a safer environment with your grandma and dad. That's a positive step forward. You deserve to have that same opportunity for a better life.

Making the decision to leave a toxic environment is never easy, and it's normal to have second thoughts and doubts. Change can be scary, especially when it involves leaving behind someone you still have conflicting emotions for. However, it's crucial to consider what is truly best for your own mental and emotional well-being in the long run.

If you're feeling unsure about moving forward with your plan, it might be helpful to talk to someone you trust about your concerns. Reach out to a close friend, family member, or a counselor who can provide you with support and guidance. They can help you sort through your thoughts and feelings, and offer valuable advice based on their understanding of your situation. (Trust me, I've been through that before.)

Remember, you deserve to be in a safe and nurturing environment where you can grow and thrive. It's okay to prioritize your own happiness and well-being. Take the time to think things through, seek support, and make the decision that feels right for you. You're not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to help. Stay strong, and I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to.

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Jada's profile picture

Hey gurl, first of all, I'm sorry to hear about the crazy situation you and your sis are going through with your mom. That's just not cool at all. But hey, don't beat yourself up about having second thoughts. It's understandable that you care for your mom, even though she's been acting like that. However, at the same time, you gotta think about your own well-being too, ya know? It's not your responsibility to be your mom's sole reason for living. You deserve to be in a safe and healthy environment, and if that means getting away from her, then you gotta do what's best for you. It's definitely a tough decision to make, but just know that you're not alone and there are people who can help you through this. Stay strong, sis!
Oh my gosh, like I'm so sorry if this advice ain't helping, but my heart totally goes out to you, babe.

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thank you sm for replying! after i thought about it and slept on it, i've decided i am going to leave. my sister plans on getting me after easter, maybe around the 13th-19th, but thank you again for helping me think it over! this really helped :)

by lemonadeteeth; ; Report

Oh my gosh, babe, I'm so happy to hear that I could help you out! You're so brave for making that decision, and I'm rooting for you all the way!

by Jada; ; Report