Im jealous.
Of everyone
How do u get him to talk to u for so long?
How do u get him to respond
How are u so close
Why dosnt he talk to me like that
Why dosnt he talk to me
Why does he respond to u
Why does he like u more
Why why why why why why
I just want to lov him like he loves you
Why are u so special
Why am i not
He said he liked me
He said he loved me
But are thoes only words to him?
He never shows he loves me
Im always the one to do everything
Im the one to say i love u first im the one to complement first im the one to talk first
Why doesnt he talk to me
If i left would he even notice?
Am i just a void filler
What am i
Who am i
U dont even talk about me
I know im not the best looking but u said u liked me
So why dont u talk about me
I told u how i wanted to be loved i told u how i loved u ehy cant you love me back even tho i giv u so much i give u my hole heart even when its broken to pieces i give it all to u an u only i wait hours for u to respond i wait hours for u to wake up i wait and wait and wait just for that little word one word u text me one word. We can never hold a conversation because u find im boring
Am i to boring for u
Tell me what to do please
Just love me please
Why dont you love me.
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