
TW: mentions of sex/sexual topics

also slight spoilers for Sharpstick (duh)

this movie is such a beautiful representation of sex and neurodivergency. it shows how sex is such a complex and confusing ordeal and most people are expected to immediately be good at it or have done it before. i cannot speak much on the neurodivergent rep in this movie because i myself am not/am not educated enough to speak about this. i definitely recommend finding better reviews from people who are neurodivergent. this movie was so extremely good though. i really related to sarah jo (the main character) throughout the movie; finding comfort in people who are older and thinking they're so perfect until you fully realize - they do not care for you the way you think they do. when sarah jo watched porn and was confused and tried to really understand what was appealing or how to do things, i remembered myself first seeing stuff like that and thinking "is this seriously how people are supposed to act with these things?". sarah jo's list of sexual things she felt like she needed to do was also relatable in a way but slightly funny.

anyways, before i spoil everything about this movie, Sharpstick was extremely well written, funny, and shows almost exactly how confusing sex and sexual things are when it's first introduced.

10/10 movie in my opinion, definitely suggest to watch!!

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