Kiana's profile picture

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Category: Life

Personal: I'm a mother of a trans kid

Yes. I'm a PROUD mother of a beautiful trans boy. I want to share it with anyone who actually reads this because I think it's important to make visible their existence.  

Yes, trans kids exist. Deal with it. 

I always knew he was beyond special. 

baby Alex

my life


279 Kudos


Displaying 20 of 54 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


Kiana's profile picture

Thanks again for all the love I received over this & if trans people offends you or their existence affects to your daily life (it doesn't you're just a transphobic piece of shit) that's your problem lol

Live & let live.

Now I'm disabling the comments :-)

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✨The Holy Quintet✨

✨The Holy Quintet✨'s profile picture

This is so sweet to see omg! You're such an amazing mom, wishing you all the best! :D

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bambi.x's profile picture

i swear young moms love their kids the most

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psycho's profile picture

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Xxx_MisticLoCo_xxX's profile picture


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Damien's profile picture

You are a wonderful parent <3

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Craig's profile picture

Bruh be my mom PLEASE

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Phantφm♡'s profile picture

I'm proud to hear that (coming from one myself), but there are some weirdos in here unfortunately, so I slightly advise on not posting your kid in here.

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Gray's profile picture

Ah yes. Using children as a way to get validation from internet strangers

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I honestly don't think she posted it for this reason. No matter the platform, trans awareness has to be relevant and spacehey is not exempt from those social media platforms. This mother used their child as an example because he is a trans boy and the world is so ignorant that they treat being transgender as an "adult" and "politcal" matter although it is just part of you that is 100% natural.

by AZTRO ✰✰; ; Report

So she's still using her kid but to make a statement. I see I see

by Gray ; ; Report

I love how the internet twists things to fit their own perspective lol

"I love my trans kid, support your kids. Show them love"
"Oh so you're using your child for internet up doots?"

Twitter all over again, i swear haha

by ✘Scream Queen✘; ; Report


by psycho; ; Report


mikeyxo's profile picture

you are literally so amazing. im trans ftm myself and it makes me so happy to find supportive parents. my parents mock me about it and shit so I'm thankful for people like you :))

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mikeyxo's profile picture

you are literally so amazing. im trans ftm myself and it makes me so happy to find supportive parents. my parents mock me about it and shit so I'm thankful for people like you :))

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Simon XD

Simon XD's profile picture

This makes me so happy honestly you're an amazing person for supporting your son :]

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xXkf100Xx's profile picture

i dont really understand what transgender is like, can someone explain?

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Basically, being transgender is when you are born male or female, yet you feel the opposite gender that you were born to. Personally I'm not transgender myself so correct me if I'm wrong about anything.
Let's say a person is born male with male sex organs and such, but they don't feel like a guy. They don't like he/him pronouns, but they think being called a girl or she/her pronouns fit them best. That is what being transgender is, there's a really good short YouTube animation for kids that explains it really well in short, with penguins. It's only 3 minutes, you should watch it!

by delicate; ; Report

the video appears to have been taken down

by xXkf100Xx; ; Report

i think its because it made it lower case for some reason, just search up "transgender penguin video"
its titled expressing myself, my way.

by delicate; ; Report

Jaxson/Lappy 486

Jaxson/Lappy 486's profile picture

honestly, i wish more ppl were like you. legitimately if i had a dollar for everytime my mom has said something transphobic instead of just accepting that they are valid, i'd be rich. >:(

also i luv your piercings C:

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vamp teef

vamp teef's profile picture

this is honestly sooo sweet to see :') i'm a nonbinary trans teen myself, and it's just so nice to see someone so openly supporting their trans kid. wishing u and him all the best :D (also off topic but ur style is wicked siccckkkk btw)

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Thank you love!!! <33333

by Kiana; ; Report


Abi's profile picture

you're the best ,i wish more mothers can be accepting of their child like you

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Abi's profile picture

you're the best ,i wish more mothers can be accepting of their child like you

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adam 🌠

adam 🌠's profile picture

I'm so so grateful that parents like you exist in this world. You are an amazing person, and I wish the best for you and your son!

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Thank youuuu 🤍

by Kiana; ; Report


yuni 's profile picture

I LOVE UR SON. <---- (trans ftm kid)

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reah!!'s profile picture

1’m s0 h4ppy t0 s33 th1s k1nd4 th1ng :3 1t 1s just s0 h34rt w4rm1ng!!!

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