izzy ☆'s profile picture

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Category: Life

Gay People. A phenomenon.

Homosexuals are something the world doesn’t quite understand. As your favourite researcher on those incredible men who experience same gender attraction and an avid man kisser myself, I’d like to bring light to the situation.

Q. Are gay people going to eat my children?

A. No. Unless your child happens to be food compatible with the biological human body, your child is safe from these men kissing sluts.

Q. Will gay people turn my child gay?

A. No. You’d have to be pretty damn sexy to do that. Like Cutthroat Akudrive type sexy.

Q. How do I know if I am gay?

A. When you see a man..do you think to yourself, “hey he’s so hot I wanna see him whimper in bed.” ? If no, then you are a heterosexual woman kissing bundle of molecules. If yes, please check yourself into the nearest mental hospital. Google can be used to find the location of this. 

Joke post I promise I’m gay and trans please pLEAS

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kiana's profile picture

if i make a man whimper n moan my name out loud w my 16inch dick in bed but say no homo afterwards is it gay:(

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no coz you said no homo so it immediately makes the man become a biological woman therefore straight

by izzy ☆; ; Report