Toxxik "Danger" Shock's profile picture

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Category: Art and Photography



To those who know me and to those who dont, lemme introduce ya-

see that dumb bitch? that's me- or well, that's me sona. toxxik, ya can just call em tox for short.

tox's a simple guy, a really simply guy- so simple that they can't remember much of their life!! but its okay, they're got their "memri buk" where they document anything they deem worth. the effectiveness of it is... well- doing their best for a self taught illiterate bloke.

The clearest and earliest memory they have is of being surrounded by broken glass and broken bodies, the liquid pooling around their feet sizzling and cracking, reacting violently with the concrete floor, eating away at it- the sparks of torn wires and the whining of gutted machinery still chugging along to the best of its abilities. A ray of light come pours in from a crack in the wall, nothing like the fluorescents of the facility- calm, gentle, almost inviting. It feels like freedom. It tastes like freedom. Freedom, which seems to taste a lot like copper.

are their memory loss a result of... whatever past that made them the way they are now- or did they always have it? who knows, certainly not tox. but its alright they'll never let it bring em down. the past cant hurt you if you dont remember- still now, they have an... aversion to people in white coats. But they won't pass up a good meal either way.

tox is a resilient little bugger too- many have tried to contain them. many have failed. even attempts at outright killing em off seems to be moot, as no matter how much you do- even if you get a good few hits in, their blood is... extremely corrosive so melee weapons wont last long, much like their erm... its hard to determine if the pink... vomit thing actually is- could be vomit, could just be spit, could even be blood as its the same shade- guns can only keep the distance as long as you have the ammo... kill it with fire you say? that wouldn't be an issue if it werent for the toxic fumes(ba-dumn-tss)- nothing seems to keep them down for good. all good you've done is make them very, very mad. and those claws and teeth arent just for show- acid really isnt a pretty way to die either...

tox doesn't exactly have a set place of residence, always moving from one territory from another for fresh hunting grounds, that and the fact that they don't understand what a rent or a mortgage is. they barely understand what money is tbh. they dont have a job they just roam around being an alley cryptid and eating people.

if they arent actively prowling or hunting, they can be... somewhat affable. easiest way to win their affection is to feed them. ive only used they/them in this intro but he goes by he as well- tbh i dont think tox knows what pronouns are they are vaguely masc presenting and they just go with whatever ppl call em lmao

they're just a neon green man eating feral raccoon/possum given human form- you can tame them given enough perseverance and snacky treats and juice rewards and some rabies shots for good measure.


--- mf that made em so cringe

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Narrateur's profile picture

UTTERLY RADICAL... All the chew toys And Also Meat for you <<33

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*eviscerates the chew toy* tyy<333

by Toxxik "Danger" Shock; ; Report