Rainbowponystein 's profile picture

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Category: Life

Day Rambling

I really feel the Spring today. Even though most people don't like the rainy weather, I really enjoy it. I enjoy a nice walk on a warm rainy day or sitting and listening to the drip drops and thunder. I am very lucky, in my job, because my office has a wall of windows. I get to watch the world float by as I work, observing all the humans going about their daily business. In the rain or in the sunshine.

People are funny too. We have a hard time getting around words and silly things that are made up, but we are so stuck to them because its how people have done for such a long time. I like to think about things on the outside sometimes and when you really look at some of the things we humans do, its funny. I get the joy of working with people every day, and even though they find ways to disappoint me, still most people are "good" and I think we can truly learn something from everyone.

Why is it that people can believe in an all seeing being but cant believe that people with the same puzzle pieces can love each other? Why is it that we see magic every day but don't believe in it? Why is it that we have the most beautiful things to see every day and they are just ignored? 

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