★ : YOKO !'s profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Funny era like a month or two ago

Hear me out, I found the sort of "era" where after an official part of the analog horror series "The Mandela Catalogue" made a spacehey account for Adam very hilarious, since left and right, fans were making accounts and were probably trying to add him under a different name or three. I swear there were so many copy paste accounts with the same 14-19 year old, (Insert County here) County, "Taking calls for BPS", busy/bored/scared mood, and the same unknown pfp (or as I like to call it, the Jude pfp) with a poorly added bps logo in the corner, or a poorly edited on MandelaTECH / BPS Hoodie overlayed on top. This was like the peak of Mandela Comedy on this website, and I wish it could come back. The last one I could possibly document before they went completely dry was on page 311 yesterday. 311. When I scrolled 1247 pages. And that's just yesterday, meaning they're possibly in like the 400-500 mark now. 

And most of them fell off after like a week of being active, not being seen for around 3-23 days (And even so, the 3 days away account was a Jonah account, when most accounts I was documenting were 'OC' accounts. And not 'official' accounts.) The most you'd see from one being away is about a month rarely. It's kind of sad to see that this died so quickly, when it was an absolute era of laughs and honestly? Mesmerization for how interesting it was. Shoutout to my guys Wyatt Ward and Alan Dorsey for not asking me to be apart of my whole lore setup. Yeah, fuck you guys. But I can't blame you, given you probably weren't aware I was making lore, but also you probably saw the file carrd and said "OOH! I CAN GET ONE TOO?" The whole carrot bait is understandable. So I can't say I'm completely mad lol. By the way, if anyone was interested, I was (and on a certain level, still am) operating the accounts of Matthew Wick, Eden Rohm, and Lilith Wren (who has swapped accounts with Joanna 'Evans', and Judith Recinos.) I'll give it up to you guys on who else I operated. Given it should be obvious. Since for like 3 days straight every account suckled to my first like a leech. Lol.

-- Aria <<333

Btw, in case you don't believe me on the whole scrolling thing..

Screenshots I have

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★ : YOKO !

★ : YOKO !'s profile picture


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