Serene_Spirit's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


Hello, Spirit here! I kinda wanna start making daily little blog posts about my random thoughts and the weird stuff that typically happens to me throughout the day. I don't know if I will actually be able to make daily posts but hey, maybe this whole thing will help me stay committed to projects more. Anyways, onto the actual fun stuff.

Tomorrow is finally when my spring break starts (yippee)! I swear, I have just been dragging myself through these past few weeks like a corpseeeeeeeee. I'm going to be on my school's morning announcements though! I am in this mental health group at my school and we've been trying to get the workout. I also got sprayed with whipped cream at a work meeting today. It was actually kinda fun lol! I also rode my bike to and from school. On top of ALL of this, my new phone came in today! Well, I should say the replacement of my old phone. I got one of those Samsung flip phones and it cracked right in the center. not fun. Tomorrow I am volunteering for a spring dance for students with disabilities. I think it'll be fun, especially since I already know some of the kids there. Anyways, that's it from me. 

Spirit OUT!

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