(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

Yo! I haven’t posted much so I figured I’d tell you all some extra stuff about me!

I have three younger siblings, I’m the eldest sibling!

I LOVEEE to hear my friends ramble and rant about their special interests!

If I like you and you give me a picture of your OC, chances are I’ll draw them for you (=^ ◡ ^=)

I like fluffy animals(cats especially), snakes, raccoons, possums(and opossums), snails, feesh, sharks, and a lot more!

I hoard xenogenders and neopronouns XD/srs

I like Vtubers(Uki Violeta and Alban Knox are some of my favorites)!

I’ve got a MAJOR sweet tooth, I like most sweet things except for milk and white chocolate(milk chocolate is tolerable but white chocolate makes me want to gag). Jelly beans and gummy worms are my absolute favorite, though I don’t think I should have them with my braces (٥⁀▽⁀ )

I love love LOVE seafood, I had baby octopus once and it was AMAZING! 

I like to send my friends memes, almost of which are very weird ( ̄ω ̄;)

I do art stuffs! I love to draw and write! I don’t show off my writing or art a lot due to insecurities and anxiety (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

I do not think but when I do it is either detrimental to my mental health or it is the weirdest shit you’ve ever heard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am very clingy and have a severe fear of abandonment, I’m trying to work on it but it keeps getting worse (I’m sorry).. (╥_╥)

If we are friends and you need to vent then just say you need to vent and I’ll listen! I do not, however, promise I can help you, the only thing I can absolutely promise is someone to hear you and be there for you! (¯ ³¯)♡

Please be patient with me, I have a lot going on and I don’t want to make anyone upset!

That is all for now!

Question of the day for anyone seeing this; What is your favorite dinosaur and/or sea creature?

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Cool Nickname

Cool Nickname's profile picture

my favorite sea animal are sharks! because since they are warm-blooded, they have muscles that generate heat to warm themselves

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