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Category: Life

I got confessed to...again

Dude this kid confessed to me 4 TIMES already! Today makes it his 5th and he honestly just needs to stop. Yesterday I did hug him but it's cause he had to leave and I was sittin' down and wasn't trynna get up so OFC I hugged him rq but nah, the mf wanted to take it another way cause he's hella desperate. This one time he told me how he had a dream about me and that we kissed and was dumbfounded for a week because "it felt so real"  🤯. I know he be wishin for me on every shooting star, and I know I sound mad rude rn, but it ain't EVER gonna happen. He's just not for me and I KNOW we would NOT  🙅‍♀️ make even the SLIGHTEST of a cute couple. I've told him before, and even today, that I think he's cool and he's only a friend but he just won't get that through his fuckin noggin. Yea so idk what to do about him and I don't wanna hurt his feelings cause he's not a bad person BUT ☝️ if the mf calls me "mi amor" one more time, it's gonna be an immediate block cause wtf. 

This was him the night he got that dream LMAOOO ⬇️

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BRI's profile picture

stop playing hard to get smhh LMAOAOA

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Don't even

by ♥︎ Lani ♥︎; ; Report

(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ ᴸⁱˡᵃʰ

(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ ᴸⁱˡᵃʰ's profile picture


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Whattttt lmaooo

by ♥︎ Lani ♥︎; ; Report

At this point, you just have to start sending those passive-aggressive tiktoks that people make for this exact situation

by (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ ᴸⁱˡᵃʰ; ; Report

At this point, you just have to start sending those passive-aggressive tiktoks that people make for this exact situation

by (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡ ᴸⁱˡᵃʰ; ; Report

Wait thats actually a good idea LMAOOO

by ♥︎ Lani ♥︎; ; Report