bri_loves_trees's profile picture

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Category: Life

Hey there!

Hi friends! I know I'm not really speaking to anyone, but finding spacehey has been an awakening for me. I'm finally finding new ways to be myself and to share my life with others. I'm currently listening to Emotion by Mia Rodriguez. Such an awesome song. It's a very dark and mysterious song. If you've got an edgy, divine feminine-esque playlist, this song is for you :)

If I had to pick a color for today it would be like a light gray. Nothing special happened and nothing bad happened. Hopefully the color becomes a bit more cheerful. I'm going out to do some karaoke with friends here soon. I'm definitely going to sing some ABBA, maybe some Stevie Nicks, but definitely some Kate Bush. I love singing XD

Blessings to all who visit and read my page. Love you all from the bottom of my heart <3 

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