Everybody wants to be spiritual until you're staying up all night cause your spirit team need you to pray, meditate or receive some downloads, you're crying for no reason at all, thinking you healed from a certain truama just to be triggered AGAIN, you're losing friends, family and partners because they been placed in your life for a lesson and not for love, you're losing jobs, money and anything youre holding on to as comfort... Or when you're feeling like you're bipolar because you literally keep transitioning and keep peeling off layers of yourself to the point you don't even recognize yourself when you look in the mirror.. Wanting to be intimate but not wanting to exchange energy at the same time... Wanting company but not liking people like that anymore... Feeling lost but knowing you're finding yourself...
The hardest part on this spiritual journey is surrendering to your higher self and releasing control and learning to just be.... And just accepting the fact NOBODY else is like you and many won't understand, Innerstand or overstand you and why you move the way you move in life....
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