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Category: Games

Unpopular Pokemon Opinion 1

Personally, I don't know why people find the 4th generation of Pokemon so amazing. Personally, it's almost on the bottom of my list of games. I feel like they tried too hard to recreate the magic of generation 2 and put all their efforts into making Cynthia and everything else just came in second. They reintroduced the day/night cycle, the berry trees  are a pain, they did the opposite of gen 2 with evolutions (gen 2 did a lot of baby evoutions to show off the breeding and gen 4 did a lot of evolutions), and the map is personally unappealing. Yeah, I enjoy Gallade, love the name of Dusknoir and like the design of Mismagius, but did they really need to make Munchlax, Tangrowth, Lickilicky, Rhyperior, and basically all the other post evolutions? And they took the contests of gen 3 and made them worse. Even in BDSP, the contests were still a bit meh. In gen 3, you had to actively plan your moves for the contests and not just do a rhythm game (honestly I don't rememeber doing the contests in D/P/PL so I can't comment on them) and in OR/AS, you could mega evolve the Pokemon you could when you hit the right moves at the right times. I haven't mastered the BDSP contests because the meh rhythm mini game doesn't do it for me, but when your Pokemon became a contest master in OR/AS, there would be an image when you sent in your Pokemon into battle to show that that Pokemon was a contest star. And with the chibi forms of the following Pokemon in BDSP are hideous, just another thing that they tried to copy from HG/SS and failed to get right. And another thing that they decided to copy from HG/SS in BDSP was the item to go back to the original sounds when beating the game. They didn't do it for OR/AS or FR/LG, but for these two games, they copied gen 2 (granted the gen 4 version of gen 2) when they remade D/P/PL. 

As of writing this blog post, the positives I can think of for gen 4 is the old chateau because I love me a haunted house type thing and the underground in BDSP. That shit was fun.

And before I end this, I wanna say this one thing. Why the fuck were people so hard up on going to chibi style for the BDSP? Gen 8 was the first time we were fully away from the chibi style for Pokemon, gens 6 and 7 were still somewhat chibi given the limitations of the 3DS, and the Let's Go games were still somewhat chibi? Yall liked the chibi nature of 4 well enough to be screaming for a remake of it since the switch to the 3DS, even before OR/AS was announced. Yeah, Cyrus and Fantina didn't look good in their overworld sprites in BDSP, but even for me, someone who has gen 4 barely scraping the bottom of the barrel in my favorite gens, can admit that Cynthia looks absolutely adorable in her overworld chibi sprite. Granted, trying to go back to the grid like pattern with full 3D motion is a failure in my opinion, but the human sprites, bar 2, are fairly good. And how many of you have collected funko pops? The overworld sprites look like they're fully mobile funkos.

But yeah, that's my opinion on things, take it for what it is. 

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