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Category: Blogging

Personal Update: Need Help.

I've been struggling to find the words for this post for a good bit.

So here goes.

I am trying to make ends meet with $30 a month, to cover needs such as ISP services (Which runs $42.80), little purchases for emergency needs (Usually runs about $40 for extras, things like a quick "911" snack for a diabetic MIL, a soda for my son, ect.) on an income that depends on commissions and supporter monthly subscriptions.

                     At this moment in time, I am begging for help.

This change came very recently, as of this morning, and I am still reeling and fighting to adapt in survival mode here.

I'm a transgender digital and traditional artist, a mother to a young son, and a wife to a man that fights with his own physical barriers to find employment, and keep our family sane. My art skills is something I'm still honing and learning to improve, and I would love to have subjects and characters to draw, paint and digitally create.

I game as a stress relief, usually free to play games, or rogue game servers. I suffer from a number of comorbidity issues as a result of a late diagnosis with autistic attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, generalized anxiety/depression, and about a dozen other mental health conditions resulting in my inability to find employment in the regular corporate/industrial/retail areas of entry level jobs.

I was a cashier, back in 2016, but had to leave the job due to a mental health crisis and the business being non-negotiable about paid medical leave. (Local businesses poorly run are the fucking worst, okay?)

Where I live, there isn't any jobs I can actually find employment within at least a good 100 miles radius from my residence, and even public transportation is well outside of my range of means at this time. So here's what I am asking; if I can get a few more people willing to toss in about $5 a month, I can clear my bills, and have some fluid funds to cover a couple birthdays coming up (My own included in that.), and pay ahead several months on the ISP bill so it won't be too big of a shock if people discontinue their subscriptions. (Which I totally will understand, money is hard to earn right now for everyone in my income bracket, and jobs, are even more scarce.) I'm only asking for the world to have some mercy on someone that's been through enough pain and misery in the last 43 years. I spread out what extra I have at the end of the month between savings (I have barely 20$ to my name right now.) and give a bit away to people I know in need in my communities I'm part of. (If I have enough, I usually put about 10$ to 60$ into someone elses pocket for emergency needs with the rest squirreled away in savings for a rainy day fund.)

If you can help me, awesome. That makes you a hero in my eyes.
If you can't, it's cool, I get it. I don't blame you for hanging tight, I am doing just the same.

Donate, or subscribe. [X]

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NosyCat's profile picture

Sorry, I have like 1€ in PayPal right now, after paying my own hosting bill and helping out a couple of other artists. All I can do right now is leave a post for my Mastodon followers. Hope things work out for you.

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I completely understand, I appreciate spreading the word just as well! Take care, Cat. ^^

by Melrose; ; Report