Everytime we experience contrast in our lives, (a circumstance that which is unwanted) we automatically give birth to a new desire. As soon as a desire is created, it is met. It already exists and all we need to do is match it's vibration to see it in our physical reality.
All contrast is an illusion. It isn't real. In order to accept our desire into our physical reality, we must remind ourselves that all contrast is an illusion and teach ourselves to appreciate and welcome the contrast for exactly what it is. "An Illusion" This illusion, as soon as it is observed, has created our desired outcomes into our very existance.
So how do we accept it into our phsycial realities?
Appreciation and Graditude. The vibration of Appreciation and Graditude is the quickest process to creation. Like attracts like.
Say, the contrast you're currently experiencing is something about your body. Most of us have forgotten that contrast is an illusion and therefore isn't real. Our normal reaction to contrast is to accept it as truth and to build upon that energy by calling ourselves ugly and unworthy, which then creates more things in our reality that affirms that belief. We will then find more and more things about ourselve that is ugly and unworthy.
Quite the opposite will happen if we Appreciate and show Graditude towards the contrast. See the contrasts for what they are. Illusions. Then realize that through that illusion you've already created your desired self and desired body. Thank the contrast for your realization. And go about your day expressing your Apprecation and Graditude towards it and yourself.
After enough practice you will recieve an inspired action within your being. Act upon it. All inspired actions bring desired outcomes into your physical reality. WITHOUT fail. Sometimes the inspired action won't immediatly make since. Maybe it's something rather random. Maybe it's somewhere and something you wouldn't normally see yourself doing or going. Maybe it involves faceing one of your fears. Whatever it is, it's meant to bring your desire into the physical.
What do you have to lose? Stress and struggle of course. Accept the contrast as an illusion. And appreciate it for helping you take back your power and use it to create your desired reality. It's worth the shot right?
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