They love me, but they are in love with someone else

Haven is in love with this girl online who is really pretty. They didn't tell me; Ada did. After she pointed it out, I realized it was obvious. Of course, she sees me as a friend and her as something more. I feel embarrassed that I didn't realize it up to now. I thought Haven had no standards and everyone's love was worth the same to them, so I'm shocked to find out they have such strong feelings towards this super pretty girl who ignores them. I feel a bit mad, but I realize there's nothing to be angry about. They've done nothing wrong. I was just naive; and in denial.

I knew Haven liked this girl, but I thought they liked me just as much, so I didn't mind. I was very wrong.

Haven is still my best friend, but I feel uncertain about things now. Since they came back, I've been talking to them all day to keep them company during the hard times they are going through (all their times are bad, but recently even worse). I like talking to them, but I don't enjoy talking to anyone this much time.

Apparently, one of the main reasons they are sad is because of being ignored by this girl. I thought it was all because of IRL stuff. I don't think I can help them with this.

I'm dreading the next time Haven messages me. I suddenly feel super shy. I don't want to talk to anyone, I want to be alone, but I'm worried that if I disappear again, they will disappear again too. I want a break; I don't want to lose them.

I guess I won't leave. It's not a good time. I'll text less, but still every day.

I kind of flirt with them sometimes, in a light way. I should stop doing that.

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