Happy spring equinox! Aries season is here! A whole new astrological year is upon us! Where is Aries in your chart? There will be a focus on these energies and increased awareness of the shifts and changes you might need to make.
Let’s talk about two of my favorite Aries allies and some other tips and correspondences for this fiery Mars ruled season and then i’ll pull a card.
Rosemary and Citrine
Both of these have a magical way of uplifting the spirit and clearing the mind, enhancing creativity and both combined are wonderful for money magick. I don’t know if i’ve ever done a wealth or abundance spell without these two.
Rosemary: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, carminative, cerebral stimulant, nervine, nootropic
Common uses include digestive health, memory boost and cognitive resilience, hair loss and scalp care, inflammation, viral infections, colds and flus, menstrual pain relief or as an emmenagogue to induce a period, respiratory issues, topical for skin and wound healing, to repel insects or relieve itch and to strengthen and nourish the nervous system after stress or trauma. being a solar herb rosemary is definitely an herb of vitality but was also used in ancient Egypt for embalming and burial rites.
Preparations: tea, tincture, oil, salve, smoke wand, in a recipe (with some buttery potatoes maybe mmm)
Rosemary is not recommended for use during pregnancy.
“Whoever passed by the rosemary
And did not smell it
If he was ill
Became worse.”
— WATTS, 2007
Citrine is known for being an ally when you need a boost of optimism, confidence, physical energy and vitality, clarity of mind and willpower. It is also one of the very best stones for attracting abundant energies and opportunities into your life. Citrine makes a great crystal for Aries season because it supports new beginnings and success in projects and manifestations.
More crystals for aries szn: fire agate and opal, carnelian, clear quartz, bloodstone, sardonyx, tiger eye, red jasper + some blue lace agate or watery aquamarine to calm the fires + boost throat chakra.
More plants: basil, cayenne / red peppers, garlic, nettles, calendula, rose, burdock root, yarrow, st johns wort, ginger, coffee, lemongrass, orange, vervain, hawthorn.
Tarot: queen of wands, the emperor, the tower. Power, initiation, destruction, renewal
Rituals: bonfires/candle magick, burning herbal incense blends, smoke cleansing, planting seeds, vision boards, rituals to release anger, start a brand new journal for the astrological new year, ask your inner child what They want to do, rituals for gaining recognition for your endeavors and success, rituals involving movement and catharsis, dance, yoga, sex magick, screaming from a mountaintop etc. all of the energy we’re processing this season can easily lead to burnout, impulsiveness and frustration so remember to have plenty of outlets and balance everything with enough rest, not just tiny bits of rest here and there.
Colors: red/orange/yellow/gold
quick card pull for this new moon:
tulsi / tulasi / holy basil ruled by mercury and jupiter (both planets are currently in Aries)
Tulsi is a plant that has been near and dear to me since childhood, when I would wear Tulsi bead necklaces from the Krishna temples I used to visit. The pungent smell of a Tulsi plant in bloom is unforgettable and powerful just as a scent to recenter and clear your mind of miasma. If you ever feel like your crown chakra/head is foggy, your energy is low or your confidence is waning, a strong Tulsi infusion will fix you right up.
In ancient Vedic texts Tulsi is said to be the plant embodiment of goddess Lakshmi, she represents true spiritual wealth and prosperity, luxury, vitality, beauty, vibrant health and auspiciousness. She is a living gateway between heaven and earth. In ayurvedic medicine Tulsi is regarded as rasayana, master plants that assist in longevity and rejuvenation.
Tulsi invites us into the frequency of our purest self and reminds us of our power by helping us live and create from a place of wonder, joy and impeccability rather than doubt or confusion. She encourages us to celebrate ourselves as we are flaws and all and to honor our bodies. Add the fresh or dried herb to tea, smoke blends, infused oils or tinctures or just keep a plant in your garden or near the doorway to work with her energies.
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