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Category: Life

🍊Disability Vent

    Not to be a broken record, but I hate being disabled so much. Why can't we just fucking exist, man? Woke up not too long ago and was just absolutely bitch-slapped by nausea, I'm currently laying down and trying to make it stop so I can function. 

    I took a Dramamine an I'm smoking some weed so it is slowly going away, but I wish we had more Zofran instead honestly. It works much better IMHO but I used Zofran more out of the two, so I still need more sampling (Especially without smoking too because that coud be what's helping more, who knows). 

   I wonder if we could get our disability management team to perscribe us more Zofran? We originally had it for when we got kidney stones (Plus the Hydros, OFC because we were dying) and our spouse had some left over from when they were in chemo, so we put those to use too. We aren't always nauseous enough to need to take something other than weed, so it worked out, but it feels like it's getting more frequent because of how stressed out we are (also we haven't been eating the best so that could do it), so it would be nice to have some kind of consistent access so we aren't rationing pills by how badly it's fucking with us that given day.

   It's funny though, the medications that I need for other issues with disabilities that give us heart rate/BP issues... Interact with our Pristiq and Risperdal in a way that could mess with those very things. Also, there's the risk of seratonin syndrome with Zofran and Pristiq together, so if we somehow fuck up we get to vomit anyway (Pretty sure we have had it before and stupidly didn't go to the doctor because we were broke and living in a dorm then, I don't have memory from then though I just know it happened. With the amount of times we could have died from medication related stuff and then not going to the doctor, it is a wonder that we are still here).

    To be fair though it's not like Zofran is perfect, the nausea has broken through both medications and some point and still gets us to vomit (And then waste a fucking pill if it's Dramamine. Zofran wins there because it's orally disolving and absorbs quicker I'm guessing.). But when you get motion sick from just scrolling to fast on a device it's probably not the medications issue, we're just built different.

Okay, I'm done rambling about medications and disabled stuff, bye. [Format later]

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