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Category: Web, HTML, Tech


HELLO HELLO EVERYBODY! Anybody up for my late-night old web ramblings? x3 Have i got just the Online Deep Dive for you, part of a separate blog I may start up called 2000s NETWARE!  x)

(before we start I used this layout created by tai7kmusic ( for this blog !! its a super cool layout and really fit the vibe for what i was going for so all credits to this user!!)

So, in the last months I've been a bit more interested in diving down the deep rabbit holes of old anime-forum graphics; Images and gifs from the mid-aughts and such! I'm only a 19 year old zoomer, but I was admittedly very fond of the internet (at an age that was way too young to experience the atrocities of the interwebs) from that era, and i still hold a soft spot for it!!

Old anime forum culture (or well, old internet/anime culture in general) is SO different from what it is nowadays, it can be a bit polarizing seeing how much the general culture has shifted over the last years! Whether that be for better or for worst can be up to you, but the fact is, the anime fans of yesteryear are really different to the ones that exist nowadays. You can attribute this to anime becoming far more mainstream thanks to streaming services, or just a general prevailing cringe factor that's more prevalent now than it was in the mid-aughts, where everyone was living like the wild wild west, NO SHAME;

 As we reminisce on the changing landscape of online-anime culture, a question might cross your mind in this instant: Damn, whatever happened to those trends that were everywhere back in the day? More broadly, I wanna resuscitate an old question in your mind: Damn, what was up with those anime iPod commercials I saw everywhere 17 years ago?!


One thing I do enjoy about Spacehey is how there's a diverse range of ages here! Some of you were probably around when these edits were everywhere (jealous >.>) and some of you may even be way younger than these edits even (that scares me . How old am I?!?!). Regardless, I wanna take you back to a time, circa 2004, where the world of online anime edits was rocked by just one, singular ad campaign....

2000's NETWARE: One iPod Ad, Millions of iPod Edits;

So damn, just what is this phenomenon here?!? Well, some history! (Don't worry, this wont be an apple history crash course, I'm too lazy to type all that out)

The Apple iPod had already been introduced by the time 2003 rolled around, and it had its fair share of pop culture presence! However, by that time, Apple was already lookin' to invest in a new ad campaign for their product. In this same year, one art director (Susan Alinsangan) came up with the idea of using dancing sillhouettes to advertise the product! Now fun fact, Steve Jobs wasn't actually all too confident on this ad campaign, as he didn't believe it really sold what the iPod even did as a product. Regardless, after some convincing the campaign moved on, and starting in 2003, these commercials would be set onto TV and to the world!! And goddamn were they a SUCCESS!

Now when I say these ads were iconic, i mean they were ICONIC. They had a crazyyyy grip on absolutely everyone, people were just enamored with the look and feel of these ads!! And not to feed into Apple's corporate ego but god even I'm STILL obsessed with how good these are. The energy? The music? The dancing? The graphics? CMONNN THEYRE JUST SO GOOD!! They would go on to stay on air for FOUR YEARS! ending around 2008, but that was enough time to leave quite the mark on pop culture!

So, where does online culture (and as I mentioned, anime forum culture) come into play here? Well, here's the basic gist:

These ads were really simple in appearance: just 3 colors, 1 silhouette, and 1 white iPod on the image? Sure, maybe recreating an animation for that would take forever, but it wouldn't be hard at all to edit an image to look like these ads! Just imagine, what if your favorite anime character was in one of these ads? Heck, wouldn't be too hard to pull off with a couple of minutes on MS Paint! Thus, iPod Ad Spoofs were born, and they would go on to DOMINATE anime forums for the latter half of the 2000s!

As i mentioned, these were really easy to recreate; All you had to do was take a JPEG (or, PNG if you're feeling fancy nyoho) of your favorite anime character, completely color it in in solid black, quickly draw 2 lines and a box for the iPod and the earphones, and boom! you've got your own supah cool and kickass icon that looks like a totally real Apple commercial!! Some people would go a little further and edit in details for these characters, but most people would stick to the solid silhouettes most of the time.

Now I know its really easy to think these look way too simple and like, maybe not even that cool for them to be recreated so often, but i honestly get why they were so popular!! These ads are just so much fun and so cool and ICONIC, and so easy to recreate, why not partake in the fun? One thing I've learned after a billion years online is that if the trend is fun and easy to take part in, people will always wanna join in.

Another draw to this trend was also putting in a little personalized tagline next to the characters on these drawings! you'd just put a lowercase "i" and then follow it up with their name, a character trait of theirs, a nickname, something they like or an inside joke; (You can see what I mean just by looking at the compilation up next) , super fun and simple x)

Many of these were of course, anime themed, though there were spoofs for American cartoons and other TV shows as well! (and some for horses. I counted 2 iHorse icons in my research. Splendid) However, most notably these types of edits DOMINATED Naruto fandom, and i mean DOMINATED. Some people may even know it as iNaruto because they only saw edits of these for Naruto characters!! It was their bread and butter, and while they weren't the only anime fandom to dabble in these edits, they were really the ones who did it the most :P

Sadly, as many things do, these images died out with time; You may see some out in the wild for more modern shows (i found some spoofs for stuff that came from as recently as 2018!) , but its not as big or widespread as they used to be ;( It kinda sucks, but thast just the natural advance of time! I think we have enough for a lifetime and hey, at least it serves as a good little throwback to a simpler time, I've quite enjoyed revisiting them :DD

 But hey, enough o  my babbling already, here's the main course of this blog , a gallery of anime iPod ad spoofs!!

(and sidenote, yes, an unholy amount of these are Naruto themed. As i said these ads had Naruto fans in a CHOKEHOLD)

Anyways, that's basically it folks!! Kind of a shorter entry, but I wanted a chance to talk about these since they've been on my mind for quite the while now, so I hope you all like this topic as much as i do! x)it just makes me so nostalgic, and also impresses me because i still think this is the coolest thing ever LOL

(and again huge credits to this original layout and creator tai7kmusic ( !!! I just changed the background to an image, and that's basically it!)

Not too sure if I'll kick off more entries for this blog series, but if i come across more old anime web stuff I wanna talk about, I may just make more entries on those topics :D SEE YA LATER! CHURRO OUT !!! -

22 Kudos


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chu_chuns's profile picture

I'm old enough to remember the anime edits, but not enough to remember the actual ads themselves xD

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neo ଘ( ˊ_ˋ)

neo ଘ( ˊ_ˋ)'s profile picture

HE HE the azumanga one is great... this is a really fun blog, i love the custom theme you made for it! i was little when these were going around but i remember them pretty well. i didn't really think anything of them at the time, but now i find them pretty cute. it is weird how nostalgia makes you care about things you didn't think twice about as a kid

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HEHE THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING IT!! me too! i was far too young to properly grasp any type of online trend, but i agree! once you look back on it all you gain a sorta new appreciation for it :"D

by churro ☆彡; ; Report

LEOnel ★

LEOnel ★'s profile picture

this blog was rlly interesting n fun to read!! i’m really looking forward to read more of ur entries :D and the layout looks awesome ^^

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thank u so much!! im so happy you enjoyed it JEJE :D

by churro ☆彡; ; Report