i havent posted a blog n so long O.o
ive been offline 4 a couple dayz bc im on a road trip! finally made it here, im n virginia!!
i come here bc family livez here but itz def a refresher 2 get out of indiana XD
im so sleepy..
traveling iz so exhausting nd i dont even do nething LOLZ
i went 2 the beach 2day 2 collect sum shellz 2 make jewelry w
i got a pretty decent haul 4 not being sumwhere w lotz of shellz :3
i got sand n my bootz tho (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
also found peace tea at the dollar store!!
4 sum reason all the storez near my house seem 2 b pulling them from the shelvez D:
peach peace tea iz SO GUD nd i think itz like a comfort food 4 me but.. drink XD
i cleared the shelf at the store so i have several now
they r so yummy nd refreshing ( ̄▽ ̄)
4 the first time n a minute, im comfy !!
i have a room 2 myself here so i dont have 2 worry ab bugging ne1
therez a rly nice lamp n here 2.. itz just enough light 2 c but not so much that itz overstimulating
nd the base iz shaped like starfish nd iz testured all funky!! n a gud way lolz
i went 2 a waffle house 4 the first time 2day az well!! nd a 7/11
i c them every once n awhile but it occurred 2 me that id never been 2 em..
i got a "blue rocketberry" slurpee at 7/11
it wuz like?? rocket league branded XD
it wuz rly goofy
it wuz yummy tho!!
ill try 2 blog more, i miss it a lot
i think itz calming 2 recap my day
im trying 2 set a reminder 2 but itz bein weird ;;
4 now, this iz my return ig!! ill post again 2morrow (hopefully!)
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YEAH!! i live n the south tho qwq
by silas ☆; ; Report
idk if im in the south or not but im pretty close to chicago
by benreyCatastrophe; ; Report
thatz more northern!!
by silas ☆; ; Report