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Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

I hate my job

I've never done a blog before but what I would like to start off with is a rant about my job. I work at a restaurant as a host and if anyone is ever thinking of becoming a host DO NOT FUCKING DO IT EVER!!! For starters, you can literally never make anyone happy ever. Either the servers are mad you're giving them too many seats or the costumers are mad that you aren't giving them a seat, or the manager is mad that you're standing still and not doing anything or the other hosts are mad that you're not standing still at the front and watching for costumers while they clean tables. It's just such an impossible job and it really shouldn't be. It genuinely should be so plain and simple but sadly it isn't. 

Also, some more advice for other teens who are just now applying for jobs: hold off on getting a job for as long as you possibly can. The reason for this is because once you start working, you will not stop until you retire at about 62 years old. That is a lot of time wasted. So at least spend the time you have as a teen sitting around and watching TV and taking the bus instead of driving to school and getting called lazy and everything else that comes with not having a job. Just soak it up and enjoy it while you can because working lasts like forever. 

Anyways I am hoping I have a better job in the future so I'm going to go do my homework now. I reccomend everyone does the same if you're able to. I love you all and goodnight :)

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I worked in a restaurant too and yeah it was unspeakably miserable but yeah its only temporary now i got a job i kinda like

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