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Category: Music

Writing music to cope

So I'm not ok rn. I said something it triggered a flash back, first one I've had in a while and now shits just replaying in my head, and after having a panic attack and crying like a bitch this came to me.

(Idk why it's rap it just came out that way)



Am I dying?

I just saw a big part of my life

All the love and all the lies flashed right before my eyes

It's like I'm fuckin watching movies

They make me wanna die

They (repeat*4)

And make me feel defeat

I'm staring at my feet

I'm even scared to sleep



Moments that felt like heaven has transformed into hell

3 years of regret


I try not to dwell

But my tears they spalter on the counter

It feels like I just encountered

A ghost

Didn't know flashbacks could hurt you the most.

That's all I got, it was kinda just a way to release some shit.

0 Kudos


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