
I miss him, my ex, you guys don’t know who he is and we’ll he isn’t my ex officially but.. we did love each other, I loved him a lot, too much, he was so sweet not just to me but to everyone and it may have been just the ‘bare minimum’ to others but to me it was everything, he, was everything, and I lost him, I’m mourning over someone who doesn’t think of me anymore, someone that probably hates me, and I don’t even blame him, I keep saying I need to heal myself before I date someone else but it just, I earn for it, love, someone to tell me they love me and comfort me.

He was perfect, not like a conventionally attractive man yknow, ‘the standard’, he was, different, he liked being himself no matter how many times people made fun of him for it, he was artsy, he liked painting and poetry, he just liked to express himself, and I loved that about him, I loved many things about him, like how he cared way to much about me, he always was worrying about me, even tho I told him not too, he always made sure I ate and was dressed well with the weather, and he always liked listening to me talk about things I liked and, I felt at peace when he was around, he made me feel secure and I never overthought when I was with him, I was in peace, for once in my life, I felt that I could trust a man, well a..boy, and I’ll never get that feeling ever again.

I know he’s never going to see this but Jwu if for some god awful reason you come across this just know that I love you and I hope you’re doing alright.

I need to move on.

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