thoughts about movie RRR

Hello friends on SpaceHey! Thank you for tuning into another one of my little blog posts. Today I watched RRR, a Telegu movie. The movie actually won an Oscar award for the song ‘Naatu Naatu’ very recently, which is very exciting! I absolutely love seeing Desi culture in the spotlight for once here in America.

I, of course, have some thoughts about RRR. As I was watching it, I was pulled in not just by the plot line, but the anger I was feeling. This anger, directed at the history of my country and the atrocities committed against us by British colonization, grew and grew as the movie continued on. 

As you may know, there are dramatizations as expected with Indian movies. The action scenes can be overly exaggerated and oftentimes cheesy. It is one thing that deters me from watching most Indian movies that have been released in recent years. However, with RRR, it was something I was able to overcome. The anger I was feeling drove me to begin to root for Ram and Bheem, and of course I knew how the movie would end, but I was so excited to see how they would get there. 

I want to also talk about the symbolism in this movie. One can see that throughout the movie, the elements Fire and Water are brought up in regards to Ram and Bheem, respectively. I loved how these elements were incorporated into the action parts of this movie. It could be very easily missed if you aren’t paying attention, and the subtlety is what I loved most. 

Another thing I really loved were the mythological themes. As a Sikh, I have limited knowledge on Hindu mythology; so I can only imagine the amount of parallels I missed between Ram, Seetha, and Bheem. That being said, it was refreshing to see. 

Lastly, the tribute to all the people of India represented by prominent figures who had a part in leading india to their independence from British rule at the end of the movie almost brought me to tears. Seeing all of this made me want to expand whatever knowledge I have now in pre-independence India, and also learn more about the independence itself and the consequences of it, for example, the partition of Panjab.

As of late, I’m really starting to immerse myself in my culture and the history of India, and I’m genuinely enjoying it. I don’t have anywhere to talk about it in length, so SpaceHey is where I come to. 

If you’ve read all this, thank you for doing so. Please do watch RRR. I really wasn’t expecting to like the movie all that much, but I did. Maybe you’d enjoy it too!

Raveena <3

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