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Category: Writing and Poetry

Kaira Medici-Napier (fan fic oc by kaliejay981)


Kaira Medici-Napier

Kaira’s parents aren't your typical love story… in fact it wasnt a love story at all … more like a once in a while thing between a psych nurse and a psychotic patient .

Mercy Medici, kaira’s mother, was fresh out of New Orleans finest nursing school. Her friends and family were all born and raised in and around new orleans bayou, and had a long line of family secrets, and she had wanted out of there since she was a child, so she wouldn't end up howling at the moon like the rest of her family, so when her fellow nurse friends got her a job at Arkham asylum up in gotham, thinking it would help “spice up” her resume before she moved on to gotham general, she hopped on the first buss out of there.

On her first set of rounds is when she meets Jack Napier , also known as “the joker” on his what seemed like billionth incarceration into Arkham. His charm and wit drew mercy in like a moth to a flame...on more than one occasion.

To Mercy, it was the best sex she had ever expereanced, due to the fact the it was expressly forbidden for staff and patients to...well...fuck . dodging cameras, stealing keys, helping Jack escape …. Until the day Mercy discovered that she...in fact..was pregnant.

A handful of pregnancy tests , a blood test and a fluttering heartbeat on an ultrasound later, it was confirmed. Mercy confronted Jack with the news, and he was more than ecstatic. that night…..he escaped again with Mercy’s help, saying he would return for her later that week….but he never did.

The pregnancy was a difficult one with Mercy working every day in the asylum...she’d see Jack every now and then when Batman threw him in the asylum, but it was like he didn't even know her.

(9 months later)

Mercy’s depression had gotten so bad, even after talking with the asylum's newest therapist ...Mercy told them everything, even who the father of the baby was, but being around Jack and in the asylum took a toll on her mind and body.

It was during a therapy session that her water broke, and oh boy was I coming in hot….feet first

With no time to get to the hospital, the doctors and nurses performed an emergency cesarean. Mercy was screaming and moaning the whole time due to no epidural...a nurse slapped a breathing mask on mercy, filled with laughing gas (nitrous-oxide) to try and help with the pain, but mercy had a bad reaction to the gas and died on the table as they pulled little me out of the hole they had sliced open in mercy’s stomach.

I came into this world streaming and covered in my mothers blood… They named me Kaira ( meaning beloved friend ) and smudged some paperwork to say I died in the process , just in case Jack ever came looking for me, and sent me to the Gotham orphanage with the name in my file Kaira Anna Smith, i wouldnt find out till years later … where I came from and who I was...

( 17 years and 11 months later )

Gotham City Orphanage


The headmaster called out for what seemed like the hundredth time today, a slather of green paint across his backside from sitting in the puddle of it...The paint now dripping down the legs of his chair.

The clatter of a paint can along with a painful grunt could be heard in the hallway , a child like laughter faded into a slur of curse words as one of the teachers in the orphanage dragged Kaira in to the headmasters office by her neck, a pained expression on their face and their slight limp showed that Kaira had punched them in the groin to try and get away.

Kaira went to get up but the teacher pushed her back down into the chair by her shoulder.

“ you wouldn't happen to know who did this….would you?” motioning to the green paint now on the floor, a smirk appeared on kaira’s face as she went to laugh but quickly looked down when she saw how red the headmaster’s face was.

“ very...festive headmaster….“ Kaira softly chuckled and the headmaster's face went from peeved to pissed off red.

“ it’s always something with you , isn't it...well i think this time...i'm out of options kaira”

Opening the filing cabinet and pulling out her file, it looked more like a book with all the pranks and injuries she had caused over the years, slamming it down on the desk and adding today's incident to the pile.

“ I've already called the asylum…”

Kaira had only heard the stories about that place.

“ you what…” the teacher pushed her back down into the chair as she tried to get up again, this time planting their hands on both her shoulders

“ please, don't send me there...please “

“ you have given me no choice Kaira...im sorry it has to come to this but we can't risk the safety of the other children any longer, at least it's better the throwing you out on the streets in a month ” his gaze traveled to the monitors on one wall, the fuzzy blue lit screen showed a white van pulling up to the back of the orphanage “ you'll at least have a roof over your head”

The white clad men from the van came into the building and straight to the office .

Kaira tried to run but they grabbed her by her arms , injected her with a tranquilizer to knock her out and moved her to the van without anyone seeing them…

( a few months later )

Kaira pounded on the tempered glass wall of her cell

“ You can't keep me here mother fuckers “ she yelled at the camera pointed at her cell, flipping it off.

“ oh yes they can my dear...and they will do alot worse if you dont shut your fucking mouth “ a mans voice chuckled from across the way. A pale faced ,green haired man leaned up against the glass of his cell and smiled “ you look familiar, have we met before? '' gazing at her, with the image of mercy in his head.

By the time jack had returned to the asylum, he was told by the head doctor there that mercy had died along with the child, Mercy's cremated remains were sent to her family back in new orleans, he slumped into a deep depression cuz he had developed feelings for this nurse….these are in the days before harleen…the child mercy had been carrying was his hope at a better future….this girl across from him now, had Mercy's eyes...had the doctors lied to him all those years ago?

Kaira glared at the man across from her, she knew who the joker was, but seeing him this close was frighting, his menacing grin had her taking a step back in her own cell, even though there were 4 panes of tempered glass and a walkway between them...for now.

A buzz rang through the lockup area of the asylum and the cell doors opened as armed guards walked by

“Dinner time freaks”

Jack slicked behind her in the cafeteria line

“ What's your name child?” he whispered, even from behind she looked like mercy.

“ Leave me alone joker, i don't care to know the monster who killed my mother” kaira sneered as she grabbed a tray of food and made her way to the far back corner of the small cafeteria , sitting on the floor with her back to the wall.

Jack made his way over to her “what do you mean i killed her? I was told she died in childbirth...along with...wait a minute...how old are you?”

“ 18 last month “ shoving a slice of bread dipped in applesauce into her mouth.

“Kaira…” Jack slid down the wall to sit beside her “ your mother’s name was mercy..…she died bringing you into this world...i was told you died with her….you have her eyes”

This was out of character for Jack, the stories kaira was told and heard painted him out to be a ruthless mad man, not this...wannabe-father figure sitting next to her.

“ What's it to you old man?” she was cold to him, not expecting what came next, he scribbled something on a piece of paper and slid it to her…

“ open that later “ he jumped up, visibly upset, and walked away through the crowded cafeteria .

After returning to her cell she unfolded the note, on the note was four words

“I aM YOUr FaTher”

Over the next few years, kaira and jack became close, even escaped together a few times, causing turmoil and chaos throughout gotham…as a father and daughter crime family, the clown king and the clown princess of crime… kaira had finally found her family

It was nearing her 21st birthday when her father met the incomparable miss quinzell...and well we all know how that sickening gag inducing story went….and once again Kaira was left behind…again

Her and Quinn never got along at the asylum, quinn would try and keep kaira away from her father… outside the asylum, when Kaira was out and her father was still inside, Harleenkicked kaira out of the place her and her father had made their own, down in the docks of Gotham city...so she found her own hidden spot, far from the kissy faces and the sex noises….kaira did not need to the “ whos your daddy” coming from her own father… *audibly gags*

It was a bit of slink down a few allies ways, a hop skip and a jump over a few docks and a short climb up a sketchy fire escape and thru a broken widow and down a hallway thru a door in to a semi livable studio apartment , that she paid for by doing repairs round the building for the landlord, as a thank you for helping in many escapes from the asylum.

A kitchen in one corner and her bed was behind a pull away curtain in the other corner...her own little place, but it wasn't enough...she needed to get out of gotham…

So she grabbed an old worn duffle from her closet, tossing it on her bed, she threw in a few set of clothes in to it, her toothbrush and a locket with her mother's picture inside...borrowing some cash from her neighbor, kaira hopped a bus to the farthest place she could think of...new orleans.

Sliding out of the broken window for the last time, kaira made her way to the bus station in the middle of downtown, and as she slid on to the outbound bus she felt like she could finally breathe… closing her eyes for a little while, since it was gonna be a long, long night.

( the next evening - new orleans buss depot )

“NOW ARRIVING IN NEW ORLEANS '' the mechanical voice rang out, pulling kaira from a dreamless sleep, stretching her arms up and letting out a yawn, she got up from her seat and grabbed her bag from the overhead bin.

New orleans was in the mist of one of its many holidays, because no matter what day it was, the following night was packing bourbon street with as many patrons as possible, getting blackout drunk at anyone of its many bars and diners, as people flashed each other for dollar store plastic beads.

Kaira snuck into an alleyway that was dimly lit, into what seemed to be an abandoned courtyard, with overhead wrap around balconies, she could smell pastries cooking and followed the smell to a little kitchen, where the cook was pulling a fresh batch of beignets out of the oven. Kaira peeked in just as they were sprinkling powdered sugar over them. She looked quite disheveled and homeless with her bag over her shoulder, and the cook noticed her in the doorway.

“ oh my cher, come her’ child and warm up by the stove “ they motion to a chair by the stove “ let aunty bring ya’ some fresh Beignets “kairas bag was whisked out of her hands , dropped by her feet and replaced with a plate of steaming hot beignets smothered in brown butter and powdered sugar “ eat up child, you gave me quite a fright, but aunty always has extras for those who need a full belly”

Taking her first bite, kairas face smoothed into one of joy , she had never had a beighet before, these were so delicious.

“ thank you” she said , with a full mouth “ these are… so...good”

The cook nodded as they whisked away the rest of the food to the patrons out front, kaira stuffed another one in her mouth, dusting off the powdered sugar from her white top and reaching for the glass of milk the cook had placed near her..overreaching and ending up knocking it over on to the floor as the cook came back in.

“ shit, im sorry...let me help with tha…” kaira leaned down on to the floor to help pick up and then cut her hand on the broken glass “ouch, fuck that stings” the thin line of ruby red blood formed on her palm as the next thing she knew , something had pushed her out of the way and pinned her up agenist the wall and was growling in her ear, her eyes were closed tight in fear.

“ open your eyes '' a gravely english accented ordered, kaira breath quickened as she opened her eyes to a pair of deep blue eyes staring back at her “ calm your breathing” he ordered as a calmness washed over her “ now don't move or scream '' Kaira nodded softly, what was happening to her? Why couldn't she move? Why couldn't she look away from the man before her? The blood from her palm made a stain on her pant leg as she left his hot breath on her neck, he bit down as she passed out from fear.

The next thing she knew she was in the courtyard again, this time she was on one of the many old style beaches … kaira heard voices around her, conversing on what to do with her..

“ you never let me have any fun klaus “ a female voice pouted

“ we could just compel her away “ a studious proper sounding voice spoke next

“ i think we are being listened to “ the first gravely english voice said

Kaira held her breath, she felt a woosh of cold air then the man from before was seated next to her with his hand upon her throat, turning it to reveal puncture wounds .

“ i don't believe she is from around here Nicklaus “ the proper one said

“ i'm not ” kaira managed to choke out His grip tighten on her throat

“ I was thinking of turning her “ the man with his hand on her throat said “ I just wanted to see what you two thought of her before I did.

“ she is quite beautiful” the female said

“ and you could use the new plaything rebecka “ the prober one said

“ it's settled then” turning kairas eyes to his “ this is gonna hurt, just don't move or scream okay” kairas body went limp as he bit in to his own wrist and forced it into her mouth “ drink” he ordered as the blood from his wrist dripped onto her tongue. Kaira drank as ordered, what she didn't see coming was the female behind her, gripping her head on both sides and snapping her neck….

Was this death? Was this where she was gonna die? These questions and more swirled through her head as she collapsed on the ground, her huma life now over….a child of the night...a vampire life...was now beginning.

(nighttime ,basement of the mikaelson’s compound, a full day later)

Kaira woke up in a daze, in ...was this a coffin...was she dead? Kaira began to scream as she pounded on the lid, pushing it up, she heard it clatter to the ground…

“ Look who finally woke up” the man known as Klaus stepped out of the shadows, helping her out of the coffin. Kaira was still in a daze, her throat burned and she was so thirsty.

“ I bet you're thirsty aren't ya?” kaira nodded, her throat hurt too much to speak. Klaus led her over to a form nearby, it was the cook from last night, the one that had been so nice to her when she arrived in New Orleans. Kalus pulled the cooks arm up to kairas mouth, the smell of the blood was intoxicating and devine at the same time, sher bit down and let the rush of warm blood run down her throat, she drank so deeply in fact that kaira didn't realize that the cook’s heart had long since gave out and died...triggering something deep inside kaira...something primal..the pain of cracking bones had her screaming as she dropped the cooks arm. Throwing her head back as her shoulder blades and spine cracked and broke, changing her, the next thing she knew...kaira was howling. She wasn't the only wolf in the rook, Klaus was gone and in his place stood a large brown wolf with golden eyes, he kicked a blood bag over to her and she snapped it up with no second thought.

The basement had a tunnel that led out to the bayou, she followed klaus down the tunnel and as soon as the cold night air blew through her brown and golden fur...she had fur, kairas mind was a scramble of questions….but all she wanted right now...was to run.

( the following morning, back at the compound)

Kaira awoke in bed this time, hoping last night was a fever dream….until she began to look around… her bag was on the chair across from the bed….she went to get up and realized she was naked. pulling the sheet from the bed ,she wrapped it around her, the blood stains on the sheet had her turning back to the bed and she screamed at what she saw....a guy she didn't even recognize, with his neck and stomach torn out…. Had she done that, what was she...the images of last night replayed in her head…

“ You’re a hybrid if that's what you're wondering” Klaus was in the doorway, one of his classic smirks on his face ” a wolf and a vampire” he motions for two of the staff he kept around , to clean up the room. “ you didn't know about your wolf side ...did you?”

“ I was raised in an orphanage, so no, I didn't know about my wolf side…” klaus pinned her to the wall, her grip on the sheet was faltering

“ don't you snap at me pup” releasing his grip when he realized she was in a sheet, his gaze went up to the ceiling “ get dressed , you have a lot to learn about the family you have joined here in new orleans” and with that klaus stormed out of the room whilst kaira pulled an outfit out of her bag.

Kaira was a hybrid, that much she knew now, in her whole human life the most she had to worry about was Batman throwing her in the asylum, but now...there were witches, wolves, vampires, doppelgangers...oh my!

What would this new life bring?


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