One of my wacky dreams. [Part 4]

I decided I'm going to continue with posting these dreams of mine. Here's another. It may be slightly edited to make sense, because I do write these down a couple of seconds after waking up, so there may be some continuity errors or typos.

Dream Title: Scolors

Date: January 2nd, 2023

Type: Non-lucid

Dream: I was playing this Roblox game, named Scolors or Colors, where there was this huge expansive desert that changed colors as you progressed. It was almost like gigantic stairs, with large tiles of square land being higher or lower randomly. There was nothing else to do except walk forwards. It didn't seem tedious to me, but then again, a lot of things don't seem tedious to me. But I found out something secret. I was also playing with like 15 friends. I found out that if you do something I can't remember (maybe like, somehow kill somebody else or try to die without resetting), then a big skin colored creature starts following you. My first creature was this huge worm thing. It was about 1 and 1/2 times the size of me. The worm was cone shaped. Its mouth was big and had teeth. It's eyes were almost not visible but slanted (I think). It wouldn't attack you, and it wasn't particularly scary. It also just hovered over my right shoulder. Now, you only had to have just one of these skin creatures for the map to start changing. The trees would become skin colored trees, but then they would go back when we made more progress. If you were able to knock down the trees or something, another creature would be added to follow alongside you. Then, the grass turned to skin. All of these changes weren't instant, but not slow, either. They happened in stages, it seemed. The more I progressed, the more things would change. Above the skin grass were skin palm trees. These were different from the other trees. Anyways, soon enough, we had a wall of these skin monsters. I can't remember them all, but they looked like skin. Eventually, we all left the game and something something happened. We all came back, except this time, the thumbnail of the game was either changed or we all collectively never noticed it before, but the thumbnail had some dodgeball or a similar sport things on it. Me and some other people were blown away as to how we've never seen it before. When we got in the game, there were other people, and there were 3 stories, maybe 4 story buildings with some walls missing for the rooms. But not every room had a wall missing. I was surprised and I was thinking and wondering if the game had been updated recently. That's about where the dream ends. Thank you for reading. The End.

A very interesting dream indeed. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Love you <3.

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